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How to Make an SEO Content Brief with AI

An SEO content brief is a strategic document that guides the creation of content while optimizing it for search engines. It serves as a roadmap for writers, providing clear instructions on what to write, how to structure the content, and which keywords to target.

By using an SEO content brief, you can ensure that your content is consistent, high-quality, and optimized for both readers and search engines.

Using SEO content briefs is essential for any business that wants to succeed in the competitive world of online marketing.

Now, you can streamline the content creation process, saving time and resources while ensuring that your content is aligned with your overall SEO strategy. This leads to better search engine rankings, increased traffic, and ultimately, more conversions and revenue for your business.

Some of the key benefits of using an SEO content brief include:

  • Improved content quality and consistency
  • Better search engine rankings and visibility
  • Increased traffic and engagement
  • More efficient content creation process
  • Alignment between writers, editors, and SEO teams
  • Greater chances of achieving content goals and KPIs

In short, an SEO content brief is a powerful tool that can help you create content that not only informs and engages your target audience but also ranks well in search engines and drives measurable results for your business.

Key Elements of an Effective SEO Content Brief

A well-crafted SEO content brief is the foundation of successful content creation. It serves as a roadmap for writers, ensuring that the final piece is optimized for search engines and aligns with your content goals. Here are the essential components of an effective SEO content brief:

  1. Target Keyword & Related Keywords: Identify the primary keyword you want to rank for and include relevant secondary keywords to support it. This helps writers optimize the content for search engines and attract the right audience. Use's free keyword generator to discover high-volume, low-competition keywords.
  2. Content Goals & Target Audience: Clearly define the purpose of your content, whether it's to educate, entertain, or convert readers. Specify your target audience so writers can tailor the content to their needs, preferences, and search intent.
  3. Competitor Analysis & Differentiators: Study your competitors' content on the same topic to identify gaps and opportunities to stand out. Highlight unique angles, data, or insights that will make your content more valuable and engaging.
  4. Title & Meta Description: Provide guidance on crafting an attention-grabbing, keyword-optimized title and a compelling meta description. These elements are crucial for attracting clicks and improving search rankings.
  5. Content Outline & Subheadings: Include a detailed outline with main sections and subsections to ensure a logical flow and comprehensive coverage of the topic. Use descriptive, keyword-rich subheadings to improve readability and SEO.
  6. Word Count & Call-to-Action: Specify an appropriate, SEO-friendly target word count to ensure the content is in-depth and informative. Include a clear call-to-action to encourage engagement, shares, or conversions.
  7. Style & Tone Guidelines: Define the desired writing style and tone to maintain consistency and align with your brand voice. Provide examples of the ideal style, such as formal, conversational, or authoritative.
  8. Internal & External Link Opportunities: Identify relevant internal resources to link to, which helps with site navigation and SEO. Highlight opportunities for authoritative external links to support your content and improve credibility.

By including these key elements in your SEO content brief, you'll provide writers with a clear roadmap to create content that ranks well, engages readers, and achieves your business goals.

Target Keyword & Related Keywords

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO content brief. By identifying the right target keywords, you can ensure that your content is optimized for search engines and attracts the right audience.

To start, identify your primary target keyword - this should be the main focus of your content and closely related to the topic at hand. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or's Free Keyword Generator to find high-volume, relevant keywords.

But don't stop there - also look for secondary keywords that are related to your main keyword. These could be synonyms, long-tail variations, or questions that people commonly ask about the topic. Including these related keywords helps your content cover the topic more comprehensively and can improve its relevance for a wider range of searches.

When selecting keywords, consider factors like search volume, competition level, and relevance to your content goals. Aim for a mix of high-volume head terms and lower-volume, less competitive long-tail keywords.

By doing thorough keyword research upfront and including your findings in the content brief, you set your writers up for success in creating search-optimized content that ranks well and drives qualified traffic.

Content Goals & Target Audience

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of your SEO content brief, it's crucial to define clear goals and understand your target audience. What do you want to achieve with this piece of content? Is it to educate readers, promote a product, generate leads, or drive conversions? Having specific, measurable objectives will guide the entire content creation process and help you track success.

Next, take the time to understand and define your target reader persona. Who are you writing for? What are their demographics, interests, pain points, and motivations? The more detailed your audience profile, the better you can tailor your content to resonate with them.

Consider creating a reader persona that includes:

  • Age range
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Income level
  • Education
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Challenges and goals

Once you have a clear picture of your ideal reader, segment your audience based on relevant criteria like funnel stage, buyer persona, or customer journey phase. This allows you to further customize your content for each segment, addressing their specific needs and questions.

For example, if you're writing a blog post about email marketing, your goals and target audience might look like this:

  • Goal: Educate small business owners on email marketing best practices to generate more leads and sales.
  • Target Audience: Small business owners, aged 30-50, with intermediate marketing knowledge, looking to improve their email campaigns and grow their customer base.

By defining your objectives and understanding your audience, you'll be able to create content that not only ranks well in search engines but also engages and converts your target readers.

Competitor Analysis & Differentiators

Studying your competitors' content is a crucial step in creating an effective SEO content brief. By analyzing what's already ranking well for your target keyword, you can identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate your own content.

Start by searching for your primary keyword on Google and reviewing the top-ranking pages. As you read through each piece of content, take notes on:

  • The main topics and subtopics covered
  • The depth and comprehensiveness of the information provided
  • The unique angles or perspectives offered
  • The formatting, style, and tone used
  • Any notable strengths or weaknesses

Look for areas where competitors' content falls short or leaves questions unanswered. These gaps represent opportunities for your content to stand out by providing more thorough, helpful, or engaging information.

Additionally, consider how you can put a unique spin on the topic by:

  • Incorporating original research, data, or case studies
  • Interviewing subject matter experts for fresh insights
  • Using a different content format, like a video tutorial or interactive quiz
  • Presenting the information in a more visually appealing or user-friendly way

By identifying differentiators, you can ensure your content offers unique value to readers and stands out from the competition in search results.

Include these key opportunities for differentiation in your SEO content brief so writers know exactly how to create content that grabs attention and outranks the competition.

Title & Meta Description

A great title and meta description are crucial for grabbing attention in the search results and enticing clicks. Your title should be concise, compelling and include your primary target keyword.

Aim for around 60 characters or less so it doesn't get cut off in the SERPs.

Some tips for crafting effective, SEO-friendly titles:

  • Put the target keyword towards the beginning
  • Use numbers, questions or power words to stand out
  • Communicate the main benefit or value proposition
  • Match the search intent and set accurate expectations

The meta description, while not a direct ranking factor, is your chance to "sell" the click with a short, persuasive summary. Keep it under 160 characters and treat it like ad copy. Incorporate the keyword naturally and focus on what the user will get out of clicking through.

Meta description best practices:

  • Expand on the title and highlight unique value
  • Include a clear call-to-action
  • Use active voice and enticing language
  • Showcase social proof, stats or trigger emotions

A great title and description won't just improve your click-through rates from search, but will make a strong first impression when your content is shared on social media as well. Take the time to craft engaging, keyword-optimized titles and meta descriptions as a key part of your SEO content brief.

Content Outline & Subheadings

A well-organized content outline with clear subheadings is a crucial component of an effective SEO content brief.

By providing a logical structure and breaking down the main topics into smaller, digestible sections, you make it easier for both the writer and the reader to follow the flow of information.

When creating a content outline, start by identifying the main sections that will cover the key points you want to address. Each section should focus on a specific aspect of the topic and contribute to the overall goal of the content. Arrange these sections in a logical order that builds upon the previous information and guides the reader through the content seamlessly.

Once you have the main sections in place, break them down further into subheadings. Subheadings help to organize the content within each section and make it more scannable for readers.

They also provide opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords naturally into the content.

When crafting subheadings, aim to use descriptive, keyword-rich phrases that accurately reflect the content within each subsection. This not only helps readers quickly understand what each part of the content covers but also optimizes the content for search engines.

Word Count & Call-to-Action

When crafting an SEO content brief, it's important to specify an appropriate target word count that aligns with your SEO goals.

Longer, more comprehensive content tends to perform better in search rankings, as it provides more value to readers and covers topics in greater depth. Aim for a minimum of 1,000-1,500 words for most blog posts and articles, while more in-depth guides or pillar pages can range from 2,000-5,000 words or more.

In addition to word count, your brief should include guidance on incorporating a clear, compelling call-to-action (CTA) within the content.

The CTA should align with your content goals, whether it's encouraging readers to sign up for a newsletter, download a resource, make a purchase, or engage with your brand in some other way.

Provide specific instructions on where to place the CTA, such as at the end of the introduction, within the conclusion, or throughout the content as relevant.

Finally, your brief should emphasize the importance of promoting engagement and interaction with the content.

Encourage writers to include prompts for readers to share their thoughts in the comments, ask questions, or share the article on social media. Fostering engagement not only helps build a sense of community around your brand, but can also send positive signals to search engines and improve your content's visibility and reach.

Style & Tone Guidelines

When creating an SEO content brief, it's essential to define the desired style and tone for the piece. This ensures that the content aligns with your brand's voice and resonates with your target audience. Here are some key considerations:

  • Define a consistent voice and tone: Clearly communicate the desired writing style to the content creator. Should the tone be formal, casual, authoritative, or friendly? Make sure to provide specific guidelines to maintain consistency across all your content.
  • Adhere to brand writing guidelines: If your company has established brand writing guidelines, make sure to include them in the brief. This may include specific terminology, formatting preferences, or other brand-specific requirements. Consistency in brand voice helps build trust and recognition with your audience.
  • Provide examples of desired style: To help the writer understand exactly what you're looking for, include examples of content that embodies the desired style and tone. This could be existing content from your own site or external sources that align with your brand's voice. Highlighting specific passages or elements that you like can provide clarity and direction.

By defining clear style and tone guidelines in your SEO content brief, you'll ensure that the final piece is consistent with your brand's voice and effectively communicates your message to your target audience.

Internal & External Link Opportunities

Incorporating both internal and external links in your SEO content brief is crucial for improving the overall SEO performance of your content.

When identifying internal link opportunities, look for relevant blog posts, product pages, or other resources on your website that can provide additional value to readers. Linking to these pages not only helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your site but also keeps readers engaged by guiding them to related content.

External linking is equally important, as it shows search engines that your content is well-researched and backed by authoritative sources.

When selecting external links, focus on reputable websites with high domain authority in your niche. This can include industry publications, research papers, or expert blogs. Ensure that the linked content is relevant to your topic and provides additional insights or supporting evidence for your arguments.

Some key benefits of strategic internal and external linking in your SEO content brief include:

  • Improved navigation and user experience
  • Increased time on site and reduced bounce rates
  • Better search engine understanding of your site's structure
  • Establishing credibility and authority in your niche
  • Potential for earning valuable backlinks from other sites

When adding link opportunities to your content brief, be sure to specify the anchor text and target URL for each link. This will help writers create a natural flow within the content while ensuring that the links are optimized for both readers and search engines.

How to Write an SEO Content Brief Step-by-Step

Creating an effective SEO content brief involves several key steps to ensure your content is well-researched, targeted, and optimized for search engines. Here's a detailed guide on how to write an SEO content brief step-by-step:

  1. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research: Start by identifying the primary keyword you want to target. Use tools like's Free Keyword Generator to find relevant keywords with good search volume and low competition. Also, consider related keywords and variations to include naturally throughout your content.
  2. Define Clear Content Goals: Determine the main purpose of your content. Is it to educate, entertain, convert, or promote a product or service? Align your goals with your target audience's needs and search intent. Set specific, measurable objectives to track the success of your content.
  3. Study the Competition: Analyze the top-ranking content for your target keyword. Use AI for Competitive Intelligence to identify gaps, opportunities, and ways to differentiate your content. Look at factors like content length, structure, backlinks, and social shares to inform your strategy.
  4. Create a Detailed Content Outline: Organize your content into a logical, easy-to-follow structure. Break it down into main sections and subsections, incorporating your target keywords naturally into headings and subheadings. Ensure your outline allows for in-depth, comprehensive coverage of the topic.
  5. Specify Style, Tone & Brand Guidelines: Clearly define the desired writing style, tone, and voice for your content. Provide examples to illustrate the ideal style, whether it's formal, conversational, or authoritative. Ensure consistency by adhering to your brand's writing guidelines throughout the content.
  6. Optimize for On-Page SEO: Implement on-page SEO best practices to optimize your content for search engines. This includes using your target keyword in the title, meta description, headings, and naturally throughout the body copy. Follow Generative AI Best Practices for SEO to ensure your content is search engine-friendly.

By following these steps and leveraging's AI-powered tools, you can create comprehensive, well-optimized SEO content briefs that set your writers up for success and drive better search engine rankings and traffic.

The Role of AI in Content Briefing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we create content briefs. By leveraging AI-powered tools, marketers can streamline the briefing process, saving time and ensuring consistency across projects. One such tool is, which uses advanced language models to draft sections of content briefs automatically.

With, you can input your target keyword, content goals, and other key details, and the AI will generate a detailed brief outline complete with suggested headings, subheadings, and even sample content. This not only speeds up the briefing process but also helps ensure that all the essential elements are included.

AI can also assist with content repurposing and multi-channel distribution.'s workflows allow you to easily adapt your content for various social media platforms, email campaigns, and more. By automating the repurposing process, you can save hours of manual work and get your content in front of a wider audience faster.

Some key benefits of AI-assisted briefing include:

  • Faster turnaround times
  • Improved consistency and quality
  • Scalability for large content projects
  • More time for strategic planning and analysis

By embracing AI tools like, content marketers can create better briefs in less time, ultimately leading to more effective and impactful content.

Best Practices for Effective SEO Content Briefs

To create an effective SEO content brief that sets your writers up for success, there are several best practices to keep in mind:

  • Be clear, detailed, and leave no room for guesswork: Your content brief should provide all the necessary information and guidelines in a clear, concise manner. The more detailed and specific you are, the better the final content will align with your goals and expectations. Include examples wherever possible to illustrate your points.
  • Account for content updates, freshness, and long-term maintenance: In your brief, consider the long-term plan for the content piece. Will it need regular updates to stay current and relevant? Plan for content freshness and provide instructions on how often the piece should be reviewed and updated.
  • Involve subject matter experts and key stakeholders: Collaborate with subject matter experts and key stakeholders when creating your content brief. Their insights and knowledge can help ensure the accuracy, depth, and relevance of the final content piece. Get their input on the outline, key points to cover, and any specific guidelines to follow.
  • Focus on benefits and solving user problems over features: While it's important to highlight your product or service's features, your content should primarily focus on the benefits for the user. Address the problems your target audience faces and how your offering solves them. This approach will make your content more compelling and engaging.
  • Solicit continuous feedback and make necessary adjustments: Once you've created your content brief and shared it with your writers, solicit their feedback. Are there any areas that need clarification or additional details? Be open to making adjustments based on their input. Continuously improve your briefing process based on feedback and results.
  • Use workflows to enforce guidelines:'s workflows feature allows you to create templates that enforce your style, tone, and brand guidelines. By using these workflows, you can ensure consistency across all your content briefs and make the process more efficient. Simply set up your guidelines once, and they'll be automatically applied to every brief you create.

By following these best practices, you'll be able to create comprehensive, effective SEO content briefs that set your writers up for success and help you achieve your content goals.

Content Brief Examples & Free Template

Creating an effective SEO content brief can seem daunting at first, but it becomes much easier once you have a solid template and some great examples to reference. Here are a few comprehensive SEO content brief examples to inspire you:

  • Product Review Blog Post Brief: This brief outlines the key elements for a 1500-word review of a popular tech gadget. It includes the target keyword "best smartphone for gaming", a detailed outline covering key features, performance tests, pros/cons, and a comparison table of top competing products.
  • Cornerstone Article Brief: For an in-depth, definitive guide on "how to start a successful online business", this brief breaks down the structure into clear sections and subsections. It specifies an 8-minute average read time, lists key statistics and expert quotes to include, and recommends a "free checklist download" lead magnet as the call-to-action.

To showcase the power of AI in content briefing, here's an example SEO brief generated by for the topic "top 10 natural remedies for anxiety":

Title: Top 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Anxiety & Stress Relief

Keyword: natural remedies for anxiety  
Word Count: 2000-2500 words

1. Introduction - What is anxiety, common symptoms  
2. Importance of natural remedies over prescription drugs
3. Top 10 Natural Remedies:
  3.1 Chamomile Tea
  3.2 Lavender Essential Oil
  3.3 Valerian Root
  3.4 Omega-3 Fatty Acids  
  3.5 Probiotics & Gut Health
  3.6 Mindfulness Meditation
  3.7 Regular Exercise  
  3.8 Journaling & Expressive Writing
  3.9 Adequate, Quality Sleep
  3.10 Social Support & Connection
4. How to Implement Natural Remedies in Your Routine
5. When to Seek Professional Help for Anxiety
6. Conclusion - Recap benefits of natural approach

- Use scientific studies to back up claims
- Include expert quotes from naturopaths, therapists
- Mention safety precautions for herbs/supplements
- Add personal anecdotes of remedy effectiveness
- Close with a motivational call-to-action

Pretty comprehensive, right? can generate detailed briefs like this in seconds, making it a huge time-saver.

Our template covers all the essential elements - target keywords, meta data, outline, goals, style guidelines, and more. Simply download the Google Docs or Word file and customize it to your needs.

With these inspiring examples and a solid template in hand, you're well on your way to crafting exceptional SEO content briefs that set your content up for success. Remember, investing time upfront in a quality brief pays dividends in the long run - so don't skimp on this crucial step!

Final ThoughtsWhy an SEO Content Brief is Crucial

Creating an effective SEO content brief is essential for ensuring your content is optimized for search engines and resonates with your target audience. By providing writers with clear guidelines, detailed instructions, and relevant keywords, you set them up for success in crafting high-quality, SEO-friendly content that drives results.

Some of the key benefits of using an SEO content brief include:

  • Improved search engine rankings and organic traffic
  • Better alignment between content and business goals
  • Increased efficiency in the content creation process
  • Consistent brand voice and messaging across all content
  • Higher engagement and conversion rates from targeted content

An SEO content brief serves as a roadmap for writers, eliminating guesswork and ensuring they have all the information they need to create content that meets your expectations.

It helps maintain consistency, quality, and relevance across all your content assets, ultimately leading to better performance and ROI.

Creating SEO-optimized content is no longer optional - it's a necessity.

By investing time and effort into developing comprehensive SEO content briefs, you'll be well on your way to achieving your content marketing goals and driving long-term success for your business.

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