January 19, 2023
February 16, 2024

How to Use AI for Marketing (with Examples)

In 2021, the American Marketing Association-New York reported that 78% of U.S. marketers planned to use AI assistance going forward—a whopping 28% increase from 2019. Another survey by tech research company Omdia showed that global AI software revenues will reach about $100 billion by 2025.

With each passing day, marketing initiatives and budgets feature AI more prominently. And while AI is not “taking over the world,” it is definitely a huge part of marketing’s present (and future).

To stay competitive and effectively meet customer needs, smart marketers and marketing teams need to think strategically and take advantage of this rapidly growing technology.

10 use cases and examples of AI marketing

  1. SEO content creation
  2. Ad copywriting
  3. Conversion rate optimization
  4. Social listening
  5. Review response writing
  6. Customer support
  7. Translation and language localization
  8. Dynamic pricing
  9. Churn prediction and prevention
  10. Email copywriting

1. SEO content creation

As a marketer, a fundamental part of your role is creating and publishing content that ranks highly on search engines and attracts organic traffic. AI marketing tools like writing assistants help you quickly generate original, search-optimized content for your blog.

Picture this. You want to write an SEO article for your company website, but you’re swamped with tasks, and the deadline is fast approaching. To make matters worse, writer’s block hits, and you can’t seem to think of any creative ideas. 

With an AI content generator like Copy.ai, all you have to do to craft compelling, search-optimized content is use our Blog Post Wizard or our SEO Website Copy tool. Once you open the tool, input your target keyword, description of your company/website and build out your landing page structure.

The tool will then provide an optimize SEO landing page for your query. You can easily tweak the generated landing page and flesh it out on your own!

uSERP streamlines its SEO marketing efforts with Copy.ai

Consider the marketing agency, uSERP. In the past, the company spent long hours crafting content briefs and writing multiple SEO pieces every month. Once the uSERP team began using Copy.ai, they produced more digital marketing content in less time. 

“With Copy.ai, we now craft briefs, outlines, and full first drafts in minutes that our writers can use as the perfect inspiration for fine-tuning a valuable piece of content,” says Jeremy Moser, CEO of uSERP.

2. Ad copywriting

Attracting leads and driving sales from organic search traffic is great, but its results aren’t always immediate. If you want to start seeing ROI quickly, adding paid ads to your marketing strategy is key. Thanks to AI writing tools, you can now produce high-converting ad copy at scale—saving you time and optimizing your advertising budget.

AI copywriters run on deep learning algorithms that understand user behavior and can craft human-like copy that is most likely to attract and convert your target audience.

Take Copy.ai, for instance. Once you input your brand name and product description, our LinkedIn Ads generator will automatically generate multiple ad copy suggestions for you to choose from.

From there, you can select your favorites or generate more variants that fit your preferences better.

Copy.ai also helps you generate digital ad copy for other channels like Google and Facebook. 

Copy.ai helps businesses craft ad copy and all kinds of marketing content

Many solopreneurs and business owners use Copy.ai to create various marketing content and grow their businesses. Bernard, a business owner, is one such Copy.ai user. For him, writing used to be a chore. 

Since Bernard and his team began using Copy.ai, though, they’ve been creating great ad copy and “all kinds of copywriting and sales/copy,” including product descriptions and blogs.


3. Conversion rate optimization

Crafting the right message is only the first step on the path toward conversion. Beyond copywriting, you can use AI technology to optimize the performance of your website and landing pages for specific site visitors. That way, you won’t have to spend so much time generating content only to start speculating about whether or not it will convert.

With a platform like Mutiny, for instance, you can create account-based landing pages, match them to ads, and test content variants to find the options with the highest conversion potential. The AI-based app also lets you generate and display dynamic homepage copy that fits each site visitor’s preferences—in real time! 

Notion uses AI to personalize paid landing pages and boost conversions

Source: Mutiny

Before using Mutiny, Notion’s paid ad campaigns were generic, with low conversion rates. Once the SaaS brand adopted Mutiny as its conversion rate optimization tool, the team began to test out personalized ads and corresponding landing pages. These experiments helped Notion identify the channels and messaging that drove the most signups.

“By focusing on improving conversion on our paid landing pages, we’ve been able to make all of our paid programs more efficient, reinvest those savings back into our top performing channels and expand to new ones,” says Fabien David, performance marketing manager at Notion. 

He also added that using Mutiny has improved their return on ad spend (ROAS) significantly and made their whole paid advertising strategy more effective.

4. Social listening

Social listening involves monitoring your brand mentions across social media to understand public sentiment and improve as needed—either by stopping an activity or doubling down on it. But manually tracking brand mentions is stressful, time consuming, and sometimes inaccurate. 

Use an AI marketing technology like SentiOne to automate and unify your social listening activities, cutting through the noise and prioritizing relevant customer engagements. Improve your messaging and repurpose user-generated content (UGC) with an AI tool that helps you:

  • Find social media trends to hop on
  • Discover influencers for PR and ad campaigns
  • Identify potential customers to start interacting with
  • Resolve customer complaints or callouts
  • Avoid social media crises
  • Uncover sales opportunities 
  • Monitor online sentiment and brand reputation
  • Track social media performance for improvement

Mobile Vikings boosts average monthly reach and sales with SentiOne

Source: SentiOne

One brand that has succeeded in implementing AI social listening is Mobile Vikings. The mobile virtual network operator needed to communicate its product to a wider audience and increase brand awareness—so it adopted SentiOne. 

SentiOne’s AI social listening features helped Mobile Vikings track the effectiveness of its marketing activities and improve accordingly. This collaboration led to a 300% increase in Mobile Vikings’ average monthly reach and a 70% spike in the brand’s average sales. 

“By introducing a new work methodology and utilizing SentiOne tools we were able to accurately track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts and adjust our plans accordingly,” says Magdalena Broj, head of communications at Mobile Vikings. “This led to stable growth — it’s difficult to argue with this kind of outcome. We rate our collaboration with SentiOne positively and we’re glad to continue it.”

5. Review response writing

On most days, your product or service delights, and customers happily drop rave reviews on all the right platforms. But life happens sometimes, and you’re unable to deliver on your brand promise, leading to some negative reviews. 

Good or bad, it is important to respond to customer reviews so that customers know that you care about their feedback and are invested in meeting their needs. In turn, customers will be encouraged to stick with your brand.

Use a GPT-3 based AI tool like Replier.ai or Nichesss to craft customer review replies for various platforms like Google My Business, Trustpilot, Amazon, and more. MARA Solutions is also a useful option. These apps study your brand’s tone and past review replies to generate authentic, on-brand responses to new reviews.

With an AI-powered review response writer, you’ll save time, improve your company’s online reputation, and build customer loyalty.

MARA Solutions makes waves in the hospitality industry

Source: MARA Solutions

Hotels and resorts rely heavily on customer reviews to keep up their reputations and ensure a constant flow of happy guests. Enter MARA Solutions, an AI review response writer that helps hospitality brands manage customer feedback easily. 

Many hotels—like Hotel Stadt Hamburg, The Westin London City, 7Pines Resort, and more—sing the tool’s praises. But this review from the general manager of Halbersbacher Hospitality really brings it all together: “With the click of a button, I can generate individual responses to reviews in any language. This saves so much time and guests feel more valued.”

6. Customer support

Zendesk reports that 61% of customers will walk away after one bad customer service experience. AI chatbots and predictive text help you respond to customers quickly and efficiently, laying the groundwork for long-term retention. 

Many websites now use AI chat technology like Answer Bot and Botco.ai to engage and guide site visitors by answering simple customer questions or escalating complex requests to human agents. A Gmail-based tool like Hiver also lets you use Google’s AI predictive text to automatically compose or complete sentences, limiting typos and drafting email replies faster.

STChealth automates its customer support processes with conversational AI

Source: STChealth

Vaccine intelligence company STChealth uses intelligent chat to help people ask vaccination questions and access their immunization records. Previously, the brand struggled to manage customer questions with its small team. Once STChealth adopted the conversational marketing tool Botco.ai, though, it created customer support automations that served millions of customers and saved thousands of hours.

“Botco’s been great at helping us work through what process and steps we want to take in guiding the consumer to the answer,” says Michelle Bonjour, director of consumer engagement at STChealth. “As questions come in, the chatbot gets smarter,” she adds.

7. Translation and language localization

If you’re looking to expand your reach and connect with potential customers in their local languages, AI translation will come in handy. An app like DeepL, for instance, uses advanced AI to translate text while retaining its meaning and sentiment. This functionality can help you translate your website, app, or documentation to a new language so you can reach a wider audience.

As of 2018, ATKearney already reported that 89% of global investors were “pursuing or considering localization.” While the numbers might vary today, one thing is certain: people like to be spoken to in a language they understand. 

According to International Language Services Inc., localization and translation can also do wonders for your conversion rates by:

  • Helping you stand out from competitors
  • Improving your user experiences
  • Getting relevant traffic to your website
  • Decreasing your site’s bounce rate
  • Closing more sales
  • Optimizing your content for SEO with the right terminologies
  • Enhancing your customer loyalty
  • Keeping your clients happy

DeepL AI translations help teams of every size save resources and prevent frustration

Source: DeepL

DeepL reviews are mostly positive—from people who are self-employed to small and even large teams. Here’s what Mackenzie J., a director of marketing ops, says about DeepL on Capterra: “Overall, DeepL Pro has fit nicely within the constructs of our marketing team, has saved us both time and money, along with preventing a great deal of frustration.”

Mackenzie also mentions that DeepL is more affordable than hiring an agency. “Translating marketing content is arduous but DeepL Pro makes it a bit easier,” Mackenzie adds.

8. Dynamic pricing

Ever wonder why your Uber or Lyft app quotes different prices for trips to your regular destination at different times? The answer is dynamic pricing. Also called personalized pricing, dynamic pricing is a marketing strategy in which the prices and discounts on products and services are set based on their demand and supply.

Dynamic pricing is a two-way street. At times, when demand is extremely high, prices go up, and it’s a win for your brand. But when demand is relatively low, prices drop, and it’s more of a win for customers.

Like hotels with unbooked rooms or shops with limited inventory, you can implement dynamic pricing manually. But it’s faster and more intuitive with AI technology. Use an AI engine like Netrivals or Dealavo to track consumer behavior—like search history and product demand—and dictate real-time pricing accordingly.

iSPRZET.PL uses AI to implement strategic product pricing

Source: Dealavo

iSPRZET.PL is a construction and industry eCommerce brand with hundreds of products and daily inventory updates. Managing prices for such a large, constantly changing inventory is not easy, and this is where Dealavo’s AI-powered dynamic pricing tool comes in. Dealavo’s machine learning engine helps iSPRZET.PL gather data from competitor sites, study customer behavior to forecast market demand, and suggest fair prices for products. 

“Continuous monitoring of market prices with Dealavo and adequate actions translate into the increased product sales,” says Łukasz Banaś, project manager at iSPRZET.PL. “It is particularly true in the case of the products that were not monitored earlier and whose sales were much lower or even close to zero.”

9. Churn prediction and prevention

There are many ways to predict customer churn, one of which is through AI-based prediction tools like Qualtrics or Optimove. These data-driven tools use natural language processing (NLP) models to track metrics like Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and Net Promoter Score (NPS)—so you can identify opportunities for improvement. 

If your NPS scores or CLV numbers are low, for instance, it’s a sign that customers aren’t happy with your product. You need to probe that data to find out why—through feedback forms, Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) polls, client meetings, and more.

You can also use your NPS and CLV data to analyze past customer communications and find the common thread between the customers who have already churned and prevent recurrences. 

Say you discover that most of your last set of churned customers consistently complained about low-quality products or missed deadlines. You can look at your current customers to see if they’re experiencing similar challenges with your product or service and tackle the issues before they lead to more churn.

Paper Source boosts reactivation rates with AI predictive analytics

Source: Optimove

Consider Paper Source. Before using Optimove, Paper Source’s team had a vision to make experimentation and testing a core part of its CRM strategy. With its old CRM, though, the paper and gift store brand couldn’t easily run experiments because it found it difficult to create and measure multichannel customer journeys and campaigns extensively.

Since it began using Optimove, Paper Source has tested out new CRM strategies to predict and analyze customer data—including trends that contributed to churn (and retention). Through data analytics, Paper Source identified a need to prioritize eCommerce sales and began to run targeted multichannel ad campaigns for different customer segments. The result? A 126% boost in Paper Source’s customer reactivation rate and an 80% rise in its conversion rate!

“Optimove empowered us when we were at the height of disruption. We were able to be nimble and agile as customer behaviors were changing drastically,” says Elizabeth Owens, vice president of marketing at Paper Source.

10. Email copywriting

Tired of writing email marketing copy that gets few to no results? Too busy to create and test email content quickly? The solution is an AI writing assistant. Insert Copy.ai, again, because why not? With Copy.ai, you can generate high-converting email copy in minutes and gain more time to focus on measuring marketing results and re-strategizing.

Once you open Copy.ai and navigate to the Freestyle tool, input the type of marketing email you want to write. Next, enter key details like your brand name, product description, and the structure you want the email to follow. From there, select your preferred content tone and click Create Content. You’ll instantly get several different ideas to choose from.

Here’s an example of a discount email that Copy.ai generated for Black Friday:

Want to give Copy.ai a spin? Our free email subject line generator is a good place to start.

Writers craft compelling email content with AI

While tons of user feedback has highlighted Copy.ai as a useful AI tool for generating all types of content, some reviews have specifically addressed our app’s email-writing capabilities.

Take these comments from Jo Barnes, founder and blogger at Your Lifestyle Business: “Email tools are some of the finest that Copy AI offers. This writing assistant is quite robust in creating emails.”

AI marketing FAQs

How can I get buy-in to use AI for marketing?

The best way to get management or team buy-in for adding AI to your marketing strategy is to show results, whether that’s saving resources, boosting conversions, or both. Prove that AI contributes to marketing ROI with this step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a marketing pain point within your team, say producing SEO content takes too long or costs a lot of money.
  2. Pick an AI marketing use case that fits the pain point. In this case, that’d be SEO content creation.
  3. Find a relevant AI tool and test it out using free trials, open demos, and tutorials.
  4. Measure and document the AI tool’s impact, like time savings and output quality.
  5. Outline more potential benefits of the AI tool, like saving money on extra marketing hires, overcoming writer’s block, and meeting tight deadlines.
  6. Note the AI tool’s pricing plans that match your business needs and budget.
  7. Present your findings to your team and sell them on it!

What are some of the risks of AI in marketing?

Like everything in life, AI has its pros and cons. Whether you run a startup or work at a multinational corporation, some risks of AI in marketing include:

  1. Job loss due to automation
  2. Accelerated content maturity across industries
  3. A lack of new information and opinions

Thankfully, the benefits of AI in marketing far outweigh the risks. Marketing AI tools help you speed up copywriting, save resources on hiring, enhance customer experiences, improve sales—and, ultimately, earn more with less.

Can AI-generated writing match my brand tone?

Yes, AI-generated copy can match your brand tone. Most AI tools automatically get more intelligent as you use them. So, the more you use an AI writer, the better it becomes at writing content that’s in line with your typical style.

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

On the one hand, artificial intelligence is a broad term that generally refers to the ability of computers to mimic human thoughts and actions in real-life settings. 

On the other hand, machine learning is how a computer system becomes intelligent—by studying all forms of content and identifying patterns to improve its knowledge and capabilities. 

AI uses machine learning and other methods to automate human tasks, so machine learning is like a subset of AI.

Stay competitive with Copy.ai’s artificial intelligence marketing tools

Copy.ai makes it incredibly easy for marketers and copywriters to test the app. Get started with Copy.ai via Google or an email address to begin using it as quickly as possible!

Additionally, all new Copy.ai users get a free plan that includes 2,000 words every month to use as they wish.

Copy.ai will never ask for your credit card information until you’re ready to sign up for a premium account.

We're making AI even more valuable for teams in 2023!

Copy.ai is currently enhancing its workflow capabilities to automate many of the repetitive tasks your team is tackling daily. With this new release, every single member of your team will become more productive with our new ability to get work done at scale.

Ready to level-up?

Write 10x faster, engage your audience, & never struggle with the blank page again.

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