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Meet ContentOps: High-Quality & SEO-Friendly Content at Scale

Why Content is Critical for Go-to-Market Success

Content is the fuel that powers nearly every go-to-market strategy in the modern era.

From demand generation to account-based marketing to product-led growth, content plays a central role in attracting, engaging, and converting customers. Without a steady stream of high-quality, relevant content, it becomes nearly impossible for companies to effectively reach and persuade their target audiences.

The challenge, however, is that creating content at the scale and quality required to support these strategies is incredibly difficult. It's a time-consuming, resource-intensive process that requires deep subject matter expertise, skilled writing and editing, and constant coordination across multiple stakeholders.

As a result, many companies struggle to produce enough content to keep pace with their go-to-market needs, leading to missed opportunities and stunted growth.

As Kyle Coleman, CMO at, puts it:

"Without the content, it's very hard to do much of anything else related to GTM. And so getting the content operations... getting that right...unlocks how you do campaigns in demand gen, how you do account based marketing, how you do localized campaigns for different geographies."

In other words, investing in content operations and figuring out how to efficiently create high-quality content at scale is the key that unlocks success across the full spectrum of go-to-market activities. It's not a nice-to-have; it's an absolute necessity for companies that want to compete and win in today's digital-first world.

The High Costs of Manual Content Operations

For most companies, the traditional content creation process is painfully slow and expensive. B2B marketers report that they can only produce around 18 pieces of high-value content per month on average.

Worse yet, the typical turnaround time for a single piece of content is between two to four weeks.

A major culprit behind these bottlenecks is the high cost of external content resources. Companies are spending north of $11,000 per month on average for freelance writers, editors, and agencies. That's before even accounting for the costs of full-time employees managing the process.

Despite these massive investments in time and money, the output is still severely limited. Marketers are lucky to get a few dozen assets produced each month.

And with so many different writers involved, maintaining a consistent brand voice and quality level across all content is nearly impossible.

Companies today simply can't afford these slow turnarounds, high costs, and inconsistent results. The traditional, manual approach to content operations is no longer viable for businesses that need to move quickly and scale their efforts.

Challenges of Scaling Thought Leadership Content

Thought leadership content is essential for establishing a company's expertise and building trust with potential customers. However, creating high-quality thought leadership at scale presents several challenges.

One of the biggest hurdles is capturing the insights of subject matter experts (SMEs) within the organization. These individuals have the deep knowledge and unique perspectives that make for compelling thought leadership, but they are often short on time. Scheduling interviews and getting them to share their insights in a way that translates well to written content can be difficult.

Even when an SME's knowledge is successfully captured, maintaining their authentic voice in the final piece is another challenge. Every expert has their own distinct communication style, tone, and personality.

Ghostwriters or content teams may struggle to accurately represent the SME's voice, resulting in content that feels generic or inauthentic.

The process of creating thought leadership content through interviews and writing is also incredibly time-consuming. It can take hours of interviews to gather enough insights for a single piece, and then even more time to transcribe those interviews and turn them into polished articles or blog posts.

This slow and manual process makes it nearly impossible to produce thought leadership content at the volume needed to make an impact.

Pitfalls of Traditional SEO Content Creation

Traditional SEO content creation is riddled with time-consuming, manual processes that make it difficult to scale production while maintaining quality. One of the biggest pitfalls is the laborious process of keyword research.

Marketers spend hours using various tools to uncover relevant keywords, analyze search intent, and prioritize terms based on difficulty and search volume. This manual approach is not only slow but also prone to human error and biases.

Once target keywords are identified, the next challenge is conducting competitive analysis.

This involves manually reviewing the top-ranking content for each keyword, assessing its quality, structure, and depth. Marketers must then determine how to create content that is better and more comprehensive than the competition. This process alone can take hours or even days per keyword.

Finally, the actual outlining and writing of long-form SEO content is an arduous task. Crafting a well-structured, in-depth article that covers all the necessary subtopics and satisfies search intent requires significant time and effort.

Writers must carefully plan the outline, conduct additional research to fill in gaps, and then draft the full article, which can easily take several hours for a single piece of content.

All of these manual processes combine to create significant bottlenecks in SEO content production. As a result, companies struggle to produce the volume of high-quality content needed to compete for top rankings and organic traffic.

The slow turnaround times and high costs associated with traditional SEO content creation make it nearly impossible to achieve the speed and scale necessary for success in today's digital landscape.

Transforming Content Operations with AI Workflows

AI-powered content workflows are revolutionizing the way companies approach content creation, enabling them to streamline the process from end-to-end. By leveraging AI, businesses can automate time-consuming tasks such as research, outlining, and writing, allowing content strategists to focus on higher-level tasks like creativity and strategy.

One of the key benefits of AI content workflows is their ability to maintain brand voice and quality across all content pieces.

By training the AI on a company's specific brand guidelines, tone, and style, it can generate content that is consistent and authentic, regardless of the individual writer. This ensures that every piece of content, from blog posts to social media updates, aligns with the company's overall brand identity.

Moreover, AI workflows can significantly reduce the time and effort required for content creation.

For instance, when creating thought leadership content, AI can analyze interview transcripts, extract key insights, and generate polished long-form pieces that capture the speaker's voice and expertise. This process, which traditionally took hours or even days, can now be completed in a matter of minutes.

Similarly, for SEO content, AI can automate the entire process from keyword research to competitive analysis, outlining, and writing the full post. By ingesting the target keyword and relevant data, AI algorithms can create comprehensive, optimized content that is ready to publish, saving content teams countless hours of manual work.

The impact of AI on content operations extends beyond time and cost savings.

Use Cases: Scaling Thought Leadership, SEO, and Bottom-Funnel Content with AI

AI-powered content workflows can revolutionize the way companies approach thought leadership, SEO, and bottom-funnel content.

For thought leadership content, AI can transform raw interview transcripts into polished, insightful articles that capture the subject matter expert's unique voice and perspective.

Rather than spending hours trying to write in someone else's style, content teams can focus on conducting engaging interviews and let AI handle the heavy lifting of turning those conversations into compelling content.

When it comes to SEO, AI streamlines the entire process from keyword research to content creation.

By ingesting target keywords and analyzing top-ranking content, AI can generate comprehensive briefs and outlines that cover all the necessary topics and subtopics. From there, it can write full-length articles optimized for search engines and readers alike, all in a matter of minutes.

Finally, AI can help companies make the most of their valuable sales call recordings. By transcribing calls and feeding them into an AI workflow, businesses can automatically generate powerful use case content that speaks directly to prospects' pain points and showcases real-world applications of their products or services.

This bottom-funnel content can be instrumental in driving conversions and revenue growth.

Unlocking Go-to-Market Success with AI-Powered Content Engine

An AI-powered content engine is the key to unlocking go-to-market success in today's competitive landscape.

By leveraging AI content workflows, companies can scale their content production by 3-4X while dramatically reducing turnaround times to same-day. This means that instead of publishing just 18 posts per month, businesses can now publish one high-quality piece of content every single day.

The impact of this increased content velocity is significant. With a steady stream of valuable content, companies can rapidly improve their SEO rankings and drive more organic traffic to their site. But the benefits don't stop there.

AI also enables personalization at scale, allowing businesses to create targeted content for specific personas, industries, and geographies.

Perhaps most importantly, AI frees up content strategists to focus on what they do best - creativity and strategic thinking.

In short, an AI-powered content engine is the ultimate competitive advantage. It enables businesses to create more content, faster, while also delivering personalized experiences that resonate with their target audiences. With AI at the helm, content strategists can finally focus on the high-impact work that moves the needle and drives go-to-market success.

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