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April 11, 2024
April 11, 2024

Avoid Project Bloat: The Importance of Alignment Across Teams

When sales and marketing teams lack alignment, they often end up working on too many small, disjointed projects rather than focusing on a few high impact initiatives with cross-team buy-in.

This lack of strategic focus leads to project bloat, where numerous fragmented campaigns are launched without moving the needle on pipeline and revenue.

Both teams have their own goals and quarterly metrics to hit.

Marketing may push for many small lead gen campaigns. Meanwhile, sales wants qualified opps to reach their quota.

With mismatched objectives and time horizons, sales and marketing default to siloed efforts. This results in a proliferation of disjointed projects that fail to create an aligned buyer journey.

Lack of Trust and Siloed Work

The lack of trust and perception that marketing is just trying to get help from sales leads to siloed campaign creation. This results in more disjointed projects and no connected buyer journey.

Marketing teams often work independently to plan and execute campaigns without involving sales early on. There's a perception that marketing just wants sales' help to distribute content and follow up without providing real value.

This leads to sales teams being left out of the process for developing campaigns and initiatives. Since sales doesn't have input or buy-in, the campaigns end up misaligned with their process.

The result is disjointed projects that don't map well to how sales actually engages with prospects. This creates a disconnected buyer journey rather than a streamlined path to close deals.

Siloed campaign creation happens because there's no trusted partnership between sales and marketing. Building more collaboration and transparency is key to creating aligned strategies with effective buyer journeys.

Take an Always-On Approach

To fix misalignment and project bloat, sales and marketing teams should take an always-on approach for broader campaigns with quarterly+ check-ins for consistency in messaging across teams.

Rather than doing disjointed campaigns that change messaging and offers every month, maintain consistency in positioning, messaging, and campaigns over the course of multiple quarters. This allows prospects to build familiarity with your brand's core value proposition over time through repeated exposure.

Consistency also enables better alignment, since the sales team will be selling the same messaging the marketing team has been putting out to the market recently.

No confusing hand-offs between drastically different campaigns.

In addition, tightly aligned account-based strategies should be done for targeted accounts. For your most important accounts, coordinate cross-functionally on an account plan with sales and marketing actions that work together.

Make sure marketing is generating leads and opportunities that sales has context for and can follow up on effectively. And enable sales to provide feedback to marketing on what messaging resonates most with specific accounts.

This combination of consistent broader campaigns and coordinated account-based strategies is key to maximizing alignment, minimizing wasted efforts, and delighting customers.

AI-Powered Go-To-Market Platforms

AI-powered go-to-market (GTM) platforms provide a way to align sales and marketing around integrated campaigns with less friction and manual work required. Rather than relying on static assets and generic messaging, AI can dynamically generate content, talking points, and insights tailored to each account.

For example, Copy.ai, the first-ever GTM AI Platform, allows sales and marketing to collaborate in creating overarching campaign strategies with defined audiences, offers, and messaging. The AI can then take that strategy and produce customized content and outreach for each target account and contact within the defined parameters.

This ensures a cohesive, personalized buyer journey.

The sales reps receive AI-generated emails, social messages, and talking points specific to each prospect but aligned with the broader campaign.

No more generic outreach.

The AI handles the heavy lifting of research and content creation at scale while keeping everything on-brand. This execution velocity is impossible through manual efforts alone.

AI alignment supercharges campaign impact by scaling personalized engagement across the entire target account list.

Aligning Sales and Marketing with AI

With GTM AI solutions, you can enable tighter alignment between sales and marketing teams. Rather than working in silos, both teams can collaborate in a unified system.

Key features that drive alignment include:

  • Shared asset library of approved campaigns, emails, and collateral. This ensures consistent messaging and content across teams.
  • Cross-team visibility into campaign performance. Seeing the same data and insights fosters collaboration.
  • AI-generated content tailored for both teams. The platform can automatically generate relevant assets for sales and marketing use cases.
  • Unified workflow for campaign creation and execution. Campaigns can be built with input from both teams and executed seamlessly.
  • Real-time alerts and notifications. Teams are updated on campaign progress and results, enabling quick reactions and optimization.

With these capabilities, sales and marketing are empowered to work together on integrated strategies and campaigns powered by AI. This avoids the friction and misalignment that leads to ineffective, disjointed initiatives.

Executing Campaigns with AI

Copy.ai provides orchestration features that help sales and marketing teams work better together to execute impactful campaigns. The platform makes it easy to align on target accounts, key initiatives, and campaign messaging across teams.

This unified foundation allows both sales and marketing to execute their parts of the campaign smoothly.

Our GTM AI Platform can generate a variety of personalized assets and messaging for account-based plays. The sales team has what they need for outreach while marketing builds supporting ads, emails, and web pages.

Everything stays on-brand and on-message thanks to the unified strategy set in Copy.ai.

The platform also provides engagement data and insights to optimize execution. With this full view, teams can monitor performance and double down on what's working.

AI takes care of the heavy lifting like research, personalization, and reporting. This frees up sales and marketing to focus on high-level strategic planning and execution. Copy.ai's automation and orchestration streamline campaigns end-to-end.

Avoiding Project Bloat

Having a GTM AI Platform can help avoid project bloat and create velocity across the funnel.

Rather than working on too many disjointed projects, sales and marketing teams can leverage AI to focus on high quality initiatives with cross-functional buy-in.

AI systems can rapidly research accounts, personas, and individuals to provide insights for campaigns. This powers accurate identification and targeting of key accounts.

With this research in hand, AI can also help draft customized messaging tailored to each prospect.

Overall, AI-powered solutions allow sales teams to conduct quality, high-quantity outbound prospecting without getting bogged down in too many disjointed projects. The technology handles time-consuming tasks like research and drafting at scale.

This creates velocity across the funnel by enabling reps to have more high-value conversations.

Creating a Connected Buyer Journey

Misalignment between sales and marketing often results in a fragmented buyer journey with inconsistent messaging and experiences. This makes it difficult for prospects to connect the dots and engage deeply.

AI provides the insights and automation to create a truly connected journey.

With an always-on approach, AI can analyze historical campaign performance to see what resonates best with different personas and stages. These insights allow sales and marketing to coordinate around the most effective messaging frameworks.

AI can also generate cross-channel content and campaigns tailored to where prospects are in their journey.

For example, personalized advertising to raise awareness, relevant educational content when prospects are evaluating solutions, and customized sales pitches as they move to purchase.

This level of orchestration simply isn't possible manually.

With AI continually optimizing based on performance data, the buyer journey becomes more seamless over time. Leads are nurtured with the right information at the right time to guide them to become customers. This increases sales velocity, conversion rates, and pipeline generation.

Focus on High Impact Campaigns

With AI and automation in place, sales and marketing teams can focus their efforts on the highest impact campaigns rather than spreading themselves too thin across disjointed projects.

AI-powered platforms provide data-driven insights into which initiatives truly move the needle when it comes to pipeline and revenue. This allows teams to double down on those big bets rather than diluting efforts across too many disjointed campaigns.

For example, AI can analyze historical campaign performance data to determine which initiatives resulted in the most pipeline and closed/won deals. It can also assess campaign alignment to ICPs and product messaging to identify mismatches.

By surfacing these types of insights, AI enables better decisions around resourcing and investment in campaigns. Teams can confidently go all-in on a smaller number of high-quality, high-impact programs.

This results in greater return on campaign investments and more efficient use of resources. AI eliminates guesswork, politics, and opinions by providing unbiased data on what works.

With AI, sales and marketing teams can align around consistent quarterly and annual plans for their most effective campaigns. This avoids the project bloat that comes from constantly starting and stopping disjointed efforts.

Ditch the Bloat 🐡. Adopt Velocity 🦈.

Aligning sales and marketing around consistent strategies is critical for campaign success and revenue growth. Without alignment, teams end up working on too many disjointed projects that fail to move the needle.

This project bloat happens when sales and marketing have mismatched goals and time horizons.

Leveraging a GTM AI Platform will help avoid this by enabling seamless cross-team alignment. AI can provide the insights, automation, and content needed to execute high-impact campaigns together.

This creates velocity across the funnel into won deals.

To start aligning your sales and marketing teams for more high-quality, high-velocity campaigns, check out Copy.ai's AI Sales OS, where you can see workflows our team uses everyday to stay aligned, ditch the project bloat, and adopt GTM Velocity.

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