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Consumption-Based Pricing 101: What It Is & Why It Matters

What is Consumption-Based Pricing?

Consumption-based pricing is a model where customers pay based on how much they actually use or consume of a product or service, rather than a flat subscription fee. It is also referred to as pay-per-use, usage-based, or metered pricing.

With consumption-based pricing, usage is metered and customers are billed according to metrics like storage used, bandwidth consumed, features accessed, and transactions processed.

Pricing is flexible and scales up or down based on utilization.

There are several examples of consumption-based pricing that are used by large companies in prominent industries.

For example, cloud platforms like AWS bill for compute time, storage used, bandwidth, and additional services. Mobile, telephone, and internet services are billed based on minutes used, data consumed, etc.  

Electricity, gas, and water usage is metered and billed based on consumption.

And pay-per-mile auto insurance charges premiums based on miles driven. Using consumption-based pricing has helped companies in these industries effectively turn value generation into sustainable revenue.

Why is consumption-based pricing important?

Paying per use incentivizes customers to optimize consumption and avoid overpaying for unused resources.

That very problem - the accumulation of unused resources - has led many companies to experience GTM Bloat. Check out our guide on the rise of GTM Bloat and how to instead transform into GTM Velocity.

With consumption-based pricing, customers only pay for what they use, meaning costs scale with the value received. This is especially appealing for fluctuating or unpredictable usage patterns.

Some other benefits of consumption-based pricing include:

  • No limits on usage - Removing consumption limits allows businesses to scale rapidly when needed, ensuring customers don't hit arbitrary subscription caps.  
  • Improves Forecasting -  Usage metrics provide greater visibility into customer behavior, improving financial forecasting.
  • Flexibility - Businesses can experiment with pricing models and change them as needed based on usage data. Customers can scale up or down fluidly.

Next let's dive deeper into whether this pricing model is the right fit for your business.

Is Consumption-Based Pricing Right for Your Business?

Choosing the right pricing model is a top-of-mind issue for executives. When deciding whether to utilize consumption-based pricing, some key considerations include:

  • Usage variability - Consumption pricing works best when usage fluctuates. For steady usage, subscriptions may be simpler.  
  • Infrastructure costs - Metered billing can optimize utilization but has overhead for usage tracking.
  • Customer segments - Assess if certain customers would find consumption pricing more appealing.
  • Willingness to experiment - Consumption pricing requires testing different models. Businesses must be comfortable with ongoing optimization.
  • Overall impact on revenue - Model potential revenue under both approaches and compare.

Companies also need to ensure these solutions are effective across the entire organization - not just point solutions for a singular issue. Our guide on how a GTM AI Platform helps infuse AI throughout an organization is an example of how organizations should strive to implement such solutions in a scalable manner.

Now that we have the big picture on pricing models, let's take a closer look at how subscriptions stack up to consumption-based pricing and see which one may work best for your business.

Subscription vs. Consumption-Based Pricing Models  

Subscription and consumption-based pricing models are two of the most common ways enterprises price their products.

While they have some overlap, there are important differences:

  • Predictability - Subscriptions provide predictable recurring revenue. Consumption pricing fluctuates based on usage.
  • Complexity - Subscription billing is simpler. Consumption pricing requires metering and flexible billing systems.  
  • Cost Alignment - Consumption pricing aligns cost with value. Subscriptions can over or undercharge based on usage.
  • Flexibility - Consumption pricing allows fluid scaling. Subscriptions have pre-set usage limits.  
  • Discounts - Consumption pricing enables volume discounts. Subscriptions generally have fixed rates.

Before the era of AI-enabled pricing solutions, businesses faced distinct challenges and limitations when implementing consumption-based pricing models.

Consumption-Based Pricing: Pre-AI

In the pre-AI era, when it came to consumption-based pricing in the software industry, businesses followed a more standardized and static approach.

Manual Sales Process

Software companies relied on manual processes for pricing calculations, proposal generation, and negotiation.

The sales team would spend a significant amount of time and effort manually configuring pricing packages and customizing proposals for each new customer.

This manual approach not only introduced the risk of human error but also slowed down the sales process, potentially leading to delays in customer acquisition.

Limited Business Model Flexibility

Without the power of AI to automate pricing adjustments, software companies had limited flexibility in adapting their business models to changing market conditions or customer demands.

Fixed pricing plans lock businesses and customers into long-term commitments, often hindering the ability to scale or optimize revenue streams based on actual usage.

The lack of flexibility limited the potential for businesses to generate annual recurring revenue from subscription models.

Challenges in Customer Acquisition

The static pricing structure before AI made it challenging to attract and onboard new customers.

Prospective customers may hesitate to commit to fixed plans that may not align with their specific needs or growth projections.

This lack of customization and transparency in pricing often created barriers to entry and hindered customer acquisition efforts, as businesses struggled to demonstrate value and competitiveness in the market.

Annual Recurring Revenue

The pre-AI consumption-based pricing landscape often relied heavily on annual recurring revenue generated from fixed subscription models.

Without the ability to adjust and optimize pricing based on actual consumption, businesses risk potential revenue loss due to underutilized resources or missed opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.

Now with the advancements in AI, the software industry has experienced a significant shift towards more personalized and dynamic pricing strategies that account for actual consumption, optimize revenue streams, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Consumption-Based Pricing in an AI-Powered World

AI-enabled consumption-based pricing has empowered software companies to proactively adapt their pricing models, streamline the sales process, attract new customers, and foster long-term growth.

Furthermore, using AI in an efficient manner can help future-proof a business to achieve sustained profitability in tandem with growth. Check out our guide on how GTM AI is the key for companies to future-proof themselves for the coming years.

Here are some ways that AI has helped fuel consumption-based pricing's efficacy.

Flexible Billing Cycles

Unlike the fixed billing cycles of the past, AI-powered consumption-based pricing allows for more flexibility in determining billing cycles based on customer preferences.

Whether it's monthly, quarterly, or annually, businesses can offer customers the freedom to choose the billing cycle that best suits their needs.

Customization empowers customers to align their payments with their own budgeting and cash flow, promoting a better customer experience and fostering long-term relationships.

Personalized Customer Accounts

The AI-driven world of consumption-based pricing also enables businesses to offer personalized customer accounts.

Customers can have real-time visibility into their usage metrics, pricing details, and billing information.

This transparency not only promotes trust and confidence but also empowers customers to optimize their resource allocation and make informed decisions about upgrading or downsizing their services.

A customer-focused approach contributes to the long-term success of businesses by maximizing revenue streams from existing customer accounts.

Leveraging Cloud Computing and Usage-Based Pricing Models

Leveraging cloud infrastructure allows businesses to accurately track and monitor customer usage in real-time.

This data serves as the foundation for a usage-based pricing model, where customers are charged based on their actual consumption, whether it's processing power, storage, data transfer, or any other resource.

A transparent and granular pricing approach ensures that customers only pay for what they use, fostering cost optimization and resource efficiency.

Enhancing Customer Retention

Providing personalized pricing schemes and allowing customers to have better control over their spending allows businesses can create a sense of value and transparency, fostering customer loyalty and reducing churn rates.

The combination of tailored pricing, flexible billing cycles, and usage-based models contributes to an overall positive customer experience, which in turn drives higher customer retention rates.

Pay-as-You-Go and Cost Optimization

AI-driven consumption-based pricing introduces the concept of pay-as-you-go, allowing customers to pay only for the resources they use. Aligning costs directly with consumption, businesses and customers alike can optimize their spending.

This pricing strategy keeps costs under control and providing a higher level of cost transparency.

Customer Success and Value Alignment

Consumption-based pricing models, combined with AI-powered analytics, enable businesses to align their offerings with customer success. With granular visibility into customer usage data, businesses can better understand customer needs and proactively tailor their services to deliver maximum value.

Reduced Associated Costs

Compared to other models, consumption-based pricing models minimize associated costs for both businesses and customers. Instead of investing significant upfront capital in fixed pricing plans, businesses can allocate resources more efficiently.

For customers, the consumption-based model eliminates the need for long-term commitments and upfront payments, reducing financial risks and making services more accessible.

Customized Account Analysis

AI-powered consumption-based pricing often comes with personalized customer accounts where customers can track their usage, costs, and account details in real-time. These interactive customer portals or dashboards empower customers to manage their usage, monitor their expenses, and make data-driven decisions regarding their service subscription.

Market Trends and Flexibility

AI-driven consumption-based pricing enables businesses to adapt quickly to market trends and changing customer demands.

With real-time insights into consumption patterns, businesses can adjust their pricing models and offerings on the fly, staying ahead of the competition. The flexibility to accommodate fluctuating customer needs and industry dynamics is a significant advantage over rigid pricing structures.

Customer Feedback and Iterative Improvement

Consumption-based pricing allows software businesses to leverage customer feedback more effectively. Businesses can refine their offerings, pricing tiers, and value-added services by continuously monitoring customer usage patterns and soliciting feedback

This iterative improvement loop drives product development and pricing optimization, ensuring that businesses stay in sync with customer expectations.

Outperforming Other Pricing Models

The AI-powered consumption-based pricing model surpasses other pricing models in several aspects. Unlike fixed pricing plans, it provides cost optimization and flexibility for businesses and customers, thus enabling personalized customer accounts and iterative improvements based on customer feedback. These advantages make consumption-based pricing the superior choice in the age of AI.

The integration of AI in consumption-based pricing has revolutionized the software industry by making pay-as-you-go billing, customer success alignment, cost optimization, personalized customer accounts, and market adaptability possible.

Consumption-based pricing, fortified by AI capabilities, represents the optimal path for businesses seeking to provide value, foster customer success, and drive growth in today's dynamic software landscape.

How Helps Consumption-Based Pricing's Efficacy

In the world of consumption-based pricing strategies, emerges as a game-changer, helping businesses optimize their customer-based pricing models. Leveraging raw usage data, subscription pricing, customer accounts, revenue generation, and minimum commitment, offers workflows that can significantly enhance efficiency in customer-based pricing.

Subscription Pricing Insights provides indispensable insights into subscription pricing, empowering companies to make data-driven decisions. The AI capabilities of make it easier to identify pricing sweet spots, uncover opportunities for upselling, and design subscription plans that offer maximum value while driving recurring revenue.

Minimize Commitment, Maximize Retention

Another aspect where excels is minimizing the minimum commitment period while maximizing customer retention. With its AI-driven prediction models, can analyze customer churn risks, identify patterns, and offer insights into strategies for reducing churn.

Combining this intelligence with flexible pricing options and personalized customer accounts results in businesses optimizing their pricing structures to incentivize longer commitments, reduce churn, and enhance customer loyalty.

Efficiency-Boosting Workflows offers a range of workflows that can make customer-based pricing more efficient. For instance,'s "Customer Segmentation and Personalization" workflow employs AI-powered algorithms to segment customers based on their consumption habits, preferences, and demographics.

This workflow helps increase customer retention, drive adoption of additional features or services, and optimize revenue generation by delivering personalized pricing options to different customer segments. is a powerful tool that seamlessly integrates into customer-based pricing strategies, offering invaluable insights and efficient workflows to drive revenue growth and enhance customer satisfaction. Embracing this AI-powered tool can ultimately lead to improved efficiency, higher customer retention rates, and increased revenue for businesses in today's competitive market landscape.

Final Thoughts  

Consumption-based pricing presents a transformative opportunity for businesses to align their offerings with evolving customer expectations. This model not only promotes cost efficiency for customers but also enables businesses to optimize revenue streams by accurately reflecting the value delivered.

Consumption-based pricing represents a strategic shift towards customer-centricity, where pricing models are designed to meet customer expectations, drive customer adoption, and align with actual resource consumption.

Embracing the flexibility of hybrid pricing models and leveraging customer insights enables businesses to unlock new growth opportunities, differentiate themselves in the market, and create sustainable value for both customers and the business alike.

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