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How To Write a Comparison Blog Post

What is a Comparison Blog Post?

A comparison blog post is not a regular blog post, list post (listicle) or Q and A blog post. They all have their purposes and formats, yet differ greatly from a comparison post. A comparison blog post is a blog post that compares two or more products or services. The purpose of it is to explain the similarities and differences between two things. The things that are compared in the blog post can be anything. 

The important thing to remember is that your target audience is trying to choose between two things. It’s your job to give them the low-down and insight they are looking for. If you want to make a recommendation, now is your time — use your expertise and knowledge to give your reader what they want to hear. If you’re completely new to the blogging game, here are the best platforms to blog on for 2022.

What’s The Purpose of a Marketing Comparison Blog Post?

The reason for a comparison blog is to, well, compare! When reading your post your reader should be informed of the options available to them. Information is a key consideration when writing these. You want to help your reader feel confident in their decision, especially if it’s a big one. 

What stage of the buying cycle are the readers of comparison blog posts in? 

People who search for comparison posts are in the final stages of making a purchase. They have arrived at a point where they’ve already decided they need the product or service, and the brand is the only decision left to make. These posts have a great conversion rate if written correctly, so pay attention to what we’ve prepared for you and you can reap the rewards of conversions, whether a product or service.

Get into the mindset of your reader. They are at a critical moment of the purchase decision. So, this is the time to be strategic. If your product or service is the best in the market, let your reader know that. This comparison blog could be the one thing that gets your product or service the recognition it deserves. 

This is a great opportunity to help you rank higher in search engine results by using competitor brand keywords in your post. Do your research on competitors before writing it, narrow down highly relevant keywords and scatter them in your writing so as many people see your post as possible. So stretch your knuckles, ready your bullet points, and get ready to write a killer comparison blog post. 

How To Write a Comparison Blog Post:

How Important Is Research For A Comparison Blog Post?

No matter what the job is, a prepared writer will always approach a blog by first doing research. The reason research is so important is because you want the content in your post to be useful and functional to readers. Blogs, websites, and the internet at large are filled with information unsupported by research. If you want to persuade your reader that your product or service is the best, gather all the information and customer testimonials that you have and use your research as an opportunity to flex. 

You will also need to prepare information on both of the things you are comparing in the blog post. Dedicate a segment of time to researching things the reader might be looking for. Again, get into the mindset of your reader. What are their needs? What are they thinking? What are they looking for when it comes to this specific product or service? What could be the deciding factor between them both? Think of the obvious things like price, functionality, and usability to truly tap into your readers' pain points and curiosities. Details like product color and packaging are often less important in this situation.

Focus on the Reader and What They Want to Know

Now that you have gathered your research, use this information to guide your audience to their answer. Think about the common questions and concerns they may have. A good way to do this is to imagine what questions they are typing into Google or other online community forums, like Reddit or Quora. Another great way to focus on what your reader wants is to think of what they are specifically looking for in this product or service. 

Think of the biggest factor. Is it a time management tool or is it a cleaning service that specializes in office spaces? Think about what matters to them the most. Remember, when comparing your product or service offer them solutions to their problems, rather than a boring list of features and product specifications. People won’t buy a phone for its camera megapixels. They will, however, buy a phone that has easy access to the camera to instantly capture beautiful memories of their loved ones. 

Tip: you can use a customer journey map to understand your customers better.

Explain Why You're Comparing These Products or Services

It’s important to make clear for readers why you’re comparing the product or service in the first place. The main reason you’re comparing them is that they are similar and offer the same solution to the reader. Next, you’re drawing comparison because, despite their similarity, they both have strengths and weaknesses. Psst…. and you’re the one who knows which has more strengths.

Comparing two things will also educate your reader on the different options available to them. They should leave your blog feeling informed to make the best decision possible. Lastly, you're comparing things because, well, it’s fun and in our human nature to compare things. Whether it’s two hot musicians or a ketchup brand, everyone loves to state their favorite and why. 

How To Attract Attention With a Strong Headline

The research is done and you’ve dived into the mindset of your reader. The last thing to do is to come up with an enticing, punchy headline to attract the attention of your prospective readers. Think about what your blog post will look like in a list of other blog posts. What headline would you write to ensure people looking for your comparison blog post pick yours.

Will it be funny, interesting, or contain a cliffhanger so readers will have to know what you are writing about? The one thing to remember if you want your blog to rank high on search engines is to include a keyword (or two!) to help you with SEO — Search Engine Optimization. To find SEO keywords we recommend using SEM Rush or Uber Suggest. Even though it has to hit all the points listed, remember to keep a headline short. It should be around six to twelve words. Enough to make your reader go “hmm, that one seems interesting.” 

When writing that snappy headline make sure it stays true to the content of your blog. Be enticing, but not misleading. The headline should align with your comparison blog, not contradict it. If you lead readers astray they may not want to revisit your site. Keep that headline punchy, and on point.

A quick search for “headline templates” will teach you the basics and give you actual headline templates that are proven to be effective.

Content Structure Is Critical For Success

Ok, your headline is in the bag and it’s go time. But before you put pen to paper (or palm to a personal computer) break down the structure of your blog post. The structure is key so that you have a roadmap for what you’re going to say and so you don’t get lost along your writing journey. The comparison post format works with any niche. You can use them to write a travel blog post when comparing luggage as an example or comparing affiliate programs in an affiliate blog post.

For comparison blog posts, in particular, you’re dealing with a lot of information. So, it’s best to use a table format so your readers can decipher between the differences and similarities of your product or service at a glance. Here is a great example from Hubspot. If you want to keep things sharp, you could also use a list format to outline features. 

Your reader has set out to make a decision, not mull over product details so keep the important stuff to the top. Afterward, you can move into features that are of secondary importance. 

It is wise to consider the structure of how your text will appear. Not to get too meta, but look at this blog. We’ve broken up a huge amount of text using headings and subsections. Your reader may be in a rush and want a quick answer. 

Don’t write unattractive blocks of text that will deter your reader from your comparison blog post. Layout your heading and let them cherry-pick what they are looking for. Most readers only want nuggets of information.

Explore the unique aspects of each product

Even though you are comparing two things, both of the products or services certainly have a unique quality. This is your time to talk about the unique features of both and the benefits they can bring to your reader. 

By highlighting their uniqueness you can show the reader the value of the product or service. Remember, your reader won’t buy specs, but they will buy specs that add value to their life. Keep things neutral in this section. You’re the information intermediary bridging the gap of expertise from product to reader. Be fair and don’t make any claims you can’t back up. 

This is also your time to shine. If your product or service has a better feature, now is the time to convince your reader. If you’re looking for inspiration to pin down your key features check out its Unique Value Proposition. While you want to attract your reader to your product or service you don’t want to be too overt, and you don’t have to be if what you are offering is truly better. Let the facts speak for themselves. 

Instead of blatantly stating what is better, guide the reader to their answer. One of the key ways of doing this is to use the classic writing technique of ‘Show, Don’t Tell’. Paint a picture in the reader's mind of how these features will positively impact their life. Sell the solution they are looking for rather than a simple product offering. Storytelling is a great way to accentuate the positives and potential outcomes from the products or services in question.

Give a Clear Picture of Price Points

Budget and cost consideration is a huge factor when deciding between two things. It’s important to make your reader aware of the different costs and be as transparent as possible. Clearly state if one product will cost more and why — does a product have extra features, does a service have a longer subscription plan, or is a product just made of better materials. 

Especially if a product or service will incur costs as time goes on, it’s important to lay out all the details in your blog and maintain the trust of your reader. 

Despite being a writer, it might be a useful time to crunch some numbers and see how much these products or services will cost over six months to a year. This could also be a great opportunity to stress that your product or service is at a lower price. Or you could use the price section to implement a sale that your product or service is offering.

Outline Who the Product or Service Benefits Most

Every product or service is different and targets different demographics of people. One product could be targeted at Gen Z while another could be meant for people in their thirties. Think of this as matchmaking the product or service to the best-suited reader. Try and imagine who is looking at your blog and describe themselves to them. Use statements like: “this is for people who…” and “If you’re X, this is the service for you”. 

Brands are built for people so it’s important to match your reader with one that aligns with their VIPs — values, interests, and personality. What are your readers' values based on your product or service? They might appreciate robust design, true tone of voice, and responsive customer care. Tap into their interests. Do they like sports, music, free time or are they mountain hikers? Imagine their personality. It is hard to imagine your reader's personality so it’s much easier to imagine someone in your life with a similar personality. 

Are they extroverted or introverted? What do they prefer to do on the weekends? Are they thought leaders, or ex-class clowns? All of these questions will help you tap into the minds of the people you are trying to reach. To comprehensively explore your readers, VIPs use a piece of paper to brainstorm or mind map the type of person they are. This way if you feel like your comparison blog is beginning to wander, you’ll have this as a guide to anchor your writing.  

Conclude, Summarize & Recommend

That’s a wrap! You’re closing the curtain on your comparison blog post and it’s time to wrap up the show. Conclude by summarizing your findings and make the final verdict on which product you’d recommend and why. Make your conclusion clear, concise, and compelling. You’ve been stern in laying out the facts up until now, so finish strong. Keep your language simple — you’re talking to a human, so talk like a human. 

What Are Real World Examples of Comparison Blog Posts?

Now that you know how to write a compelling comparison blog post, it’s time to check out some examples. See what’s out there and the ways that people are adding personal flair to their writing and styles of comparison. Here are three comparison blog posts for you to get started:

Sonos vs Bose Home Theater & Speakers Compared 2021

Disney Plus vs Netflix: which streaming service is best?

Apple iPhone vs Samsung Galaxy mobile phones


A marketing comparison blog post is a highly effective marketing technique in educating your audience and promoting your product at the same time. It enables you to leverage information in a way that answers a consumer's question. A person should enter your comparison blog post with a question and leave with an answer. 

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