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Mar 12, 2024

Supercharge Your Content Creation with Workflows

I'm always looking for ways to work smarter, not harder.

As a content marketer, that means finding tools and processes to help me create more high-quality content in less time.

Recently, I've become obsessed with using Workflows to automate and streamline my content production. In this article, I'll walk through how Workflows can take your content creation to the next level.

The Problem: Content Creation Takes Too Much Time

As a solo content creator or small team, it's tough to produce enough content to fuel all your campaigns and initiatives.

From ideation to writing to editing and approvals, the process drags on. I often find myself spending more time on busywork like research versus actually writing. And it's hard to scale content production as your programs and audience grow.

Bottom line - creating great content consistently requires a ton of manual effort. There's got to be a better way, right?

Yup, and I'll show it to you now.

The Solution: AI-Powered Workflows

That's where Workflows come in. Workflows allow you to automate repetitive steps in the content process using AI.

For example, I can set up a workflow that:

  • Takes a content topic as input
  • Researches the topic online to summarize key points
  • Structures that research into an outline
  • Expands the outline into a full draft
  • Runs the draft through review and revisions

And voila - I've automated the busywork while still maintaining full control over the process!

How It Works

Workflows have three key components:

1. Workflow Prompt

This is where you describe the overall content process you want to automate at a high level. For example:

"Given a content topic and audience, research the topic, write an outline, expand into a draft, and review the draft for issues."

2. Steps

These are the individual tasks that make up your workflow. Building off the example:

  • Step 1: Research topic
  • Step 2: Write outline
  • Step 3: Expand outline into draft
  • Step 4: Review draft

For each step, you provide detailed instructions to on what you want it to do.

3. Inputs

These are the data points you provide to kickoff a workflow run. For my example:

  • Content topic
  • Target audience

When I provide these inputs, the workflow will automatically run to generate the output I want.

Real World Example

Let's walk through a real workflow to see it in action.

Say I want to create blog posts around trending SEO topics. Here are the steps:

Workflow Prompt

"Given a target keyword, research questions people are asking about it online, write a blog post outline that answers those questions, expand the outline into a draft post, and review the draft for issues."


1) Research questions on keyword

Input: Target keyword

Action: Search online to identify common questions people are asking about the keyword

2) Write outline

Action: Structure questions into outline for blog post with H2 headers and short descriptions

3) Expand outline into draft

Action: Write intro and conclusion. Expand each outline section into 400-500 word section.

4) Review draft

Action: Check post for issues. Correct any inaccuracies or areas that need improvement.


To kick off a run, I provide:

  • Target keyword, like "content marketing"

And handles the rest!

Key Benefits

Leveraging Workflows has made my content process so much more efficient. Here are some of the biggest benefits:

  • Save time by eliminating repetitive research and writing tasks
  • Increase output by scaling content production
  • Ensure quality by baking your editorial standards into the process
  • Work collaboratively by sharing workflows with your team
  • Get creative by automating content formats like videos, ads, social posts
  • Integrate workflows directly into your CMS or collaboration tools

The possibilities are truly endless. Workflows let you think about structuring the process versus doing all the manual work yourself.

Next Steps

Ready to become a content creation machine? Here are a few tips to get started with Workflows:

  • Start small with a workflow around a common content type
  • Provide very detailed instructions for each step
  • Iterate based on the output to improve the workflow
  • Build workflows around your team's expertise and strengths
  • Integrate with existing tools you use to ideate and collaborate
  • Let the AI handle repetitive tasks while you focus on high-value work

The more you use and refine your workflows, the more you'll be able to scale high-quality content production. Why slog through creating content manually when you can leverage AI to automate the heavy lifting?

To learn more about unlocking the power of Workflows, be sure to check out the documentation. Happy workflow building!