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Mar 12, 2024

Automating Social Media Translation Workflows with AI

As a content creator, I know firsthand how tedious and time-consuming translation work can be. Whether you're a marketing agency managing social media for multiple clients or an enterprise overseeing global brand messaging, translating posts into multiple languages is a necessary but often frustrating task.

Fortunately, AI tools like offer an innovative solution to automate multilingual content workflows and free up employees to focus on more strategic initiatives.

In this article, I'll walk through a real-world use case where helped a marketing agency streamline their translation process.

You'll see how the platform's chat feature, custom brand voices, and automated workflows can replicate human-quality output for repetitive low-value work. Let's dive in!

The Problem: Repetitive Translation Tasks Drain Productivity

Recently, I spoke with Minh, an account executive at a digital marketing agency that handles social media for various sports brands. A big part of their day-to-day work involves translating social media captions and assets into different languages for localized accounts.

As Minh explained, this translation work is extremely tedious and time-consuming given the high volume of posts.

While necessary, translating social posts over and over is a low-value task.

It prevents content teams from spending time on more strategic brand messaging and creative campaigns.

As Minh put it, they wanted to find ways to automate the "hygiene content" so employees could focus on higher-impact work. This is a common challenge for any content-heavy business with multilingual audiences.

The Solution: Leveraging AI to Automate Translation Workflows

To solve this problem, Minh was interested in using to handle the repetitive translation tasks. As I gave him a demo, he could see how the platform is perfect for automating this type of workflow.

First, I showed Minh how our chat tool allows you to easily generate content by prompting the AI assistant. You can write a sample post in English, then ask it to rewrite the post for a different platform or translate it into the desired language.

The AI reviews the original post and replicates the tone and terminology in the new language.

Next, I demonstrated our custom Brand Voice feature.

By uploading past social media captions and brand guidelines, Minh could train the AI to match his agency's house style. This ensures translated posts maintain branding consistency.

Finally, and most importantly, offers robust workflow automation. Instead of manually translating posts one by one in chat, Minh could build a workflow to automatically:

  • Scan a Google Sheet of post topics
  • Write social posts for each topic
  • Translate the posts into all needed languages

This allows him to completely automate the translation process, freeing up employees to focus on high-value creative work.

The AI handles the tedious busywork while humans do what they do best.

Why AI is the Future of Content Workflows

After seeing the platform in action, Minh realized is the perfect tool for his use case.

The automation enables increased output and productivity at a fraction of the human effort. As he put it, "this is what we might be looking for."

Whether you're a marketer, content agency, or enterprise brand, automating translation and repetitive workflows with AI is a gamechanger.

No more wasting time on manual busywork. Instead, your creative teams can spend their energy on high-impact brand messaging and campaigns.

If this use case resonates with you, I encourage you to explore how can transform your content operations. Our workflows eliminate tedious tasks through automation, freeing you and your team to do your best work. To learn more, visit our documentation.

The future of content translation is here!