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April 10, 2024
April 10, 2024

The Pitfalls of Specialist Bloat at Startups

Specialist bloat happens when startups hire too many hyper-specialized people who have trouble working outside their narrow areas of expertise. This lack of versatility doesn't work well for an early stage company that needs flexibility and agility to succeed.

Startups need employees who can wear many hats and adapt to shifting priorities.

But specialists tend to focus only on their specific function, unable to contribute more broadly. They may have deep skills in one domain but struggle when asked to collaborate across departments or take on new initiatives.

This siloed thinking limits startups that are still figuring out product-market fit.

Specialists want to optimize existing processes versus helping shape new solutions. They also cost more to hire for niche expertise that a scrappy startup can't afford early on.

The narrow perspectives of specialists can hinder innovation and problem-solving. With too many specialists, knowledge gets trapped in functional silos rather than shared across the organization.

Overall, specialist bloat creates bottlenecks, communication issues, and a lack of agility that can severely hamper an early stage startup. Avoiding this requires hiring driven generalists who can adapt as the company evolves.

Note: Specialist bloat is just one factor of a much larger, multi-faceted problem that the industry is calling GTM Bloat.

The Need for Versatile Generalists to Fight Specialist Bloat 🐡

At a startup, each person needs to be able to wear many hats and take on different roles as needed. Employees often have to adapt quickly to changing priorities and pitch in where their skills are most needed.

For example, a software engineer may primarily write code but also get pulled into planning product roadmaps. A sales rep may usually focus on closing deals but also help with content creation or event planning when bandwidth allows.

The key is having employees who are flexible and can apply their core strengths to a variety of problems.

Rather than siloed specialists, startups need generalists who are driven to tackle new challenges.

Employees thrive when they continuously expand their skillsets.

Being versatile enables startups to move fast and capitalize on new opportunities. Having a bias toward action and willingness to learn different responsibilities is crucial.

Hiring Driven Generalists Enables Startup Agility

Generalists that are driven and eager to take on new responsibilities allow startups to pivot quickly. When employees can fluidly switch between roles, startups have more flexibility.

For example, an early startup may only be able to afford one salesperson. But if that salesperson also has experience in marketing and customer success, they can fill those gaps as needed.

A driven generalist understands the need to be a jack-of-all-trades in the early days.

They have the motivation to constantly expand their skillset and take on new challenges. This empowers the startup to pursue new opportunities and adapt to market changes.

In contrast, hiring only specialized experts restricts startups. It saddles them with high fixed costs and makes it hard to pursue new directions.

Overly specialized employees also struggle to collaborate across disciplines, slowing innovation.

The versatile generalist enables startups to build a strong foundation. Once product-market fit is achieved, they can then bring on more specialists.

But in the beginning, driven generalists provide the agility and fluidity startups need to find traction.

Generalists Must Continuously Develop New Skills

While generalists can handle varied responsibilities, they need to keep learning new skills. Generalists should proactively seek out opportunities to expand their capabilities.

At a startup, the work is always evolving and new challenges and needs arise constantly. To keep up, generalists must have a growth mindset and commitment to continual learning.

They should identify skills gaps and find ways to develop those capabilities. This could involve online courses, reading, job shadowing, or seeking mentors.

Generalists must be self-motivated to pick up new abilities.

Leaders should provide resources and time for generalists to learn. But the drive must come from within each person. Setting aside dedicated time for learning new tools or strategies will help generalists level up.

Startups should also encourage generalists to teach others their expertise. Sharing knowledge across the team makes everyone more versatile. Peer learning and mentorship keeps skills sharp.

With continuous development, generalists build a wider range of proficiencies. This empowers them to adapt as the startup evolves. Lifelong learning enables generalists to expand their contributions over time.

Creating a Culture of Cross-Training

Startups should encourage cross-training between teams and departments. Rotation programs expose employees to different roles and responsibilities.

This cross-pollination builds connections and empathy across the organization.

Employees gain insight into how their work impacts others. And they develop skills outside their normal domain, expanding their capabilities.

In other words, cross-training makes generalists even stronger.

Job shadowing also enables knowledge transfer between teams. An engineer might shadow the sales team to gain customer perspective. A marketer could shadow customer success to learn pain points. These experiences allow employees to experience different aspects of the business.

Cross-training shouldn't be limited to peers at the same level.

Reverse mentoring programs pair junior employees with executives. The junior employees share fresh perspectives and tech savvy. Executives impart wisdom and industry expertise.

Startups should consider cross-training as investing in the professional development of their people. Multi-disciplinary experience makes generalist employees more well-rounded and capable.

This directly powers startup agility and flexibility.

Hiring for Adaptability and Willingness

When hiring generalists, look for candidates excited to take on varied assignments and grow their skills over time. Smart generalists want to continuously expand their capabilities rather than staying siloed.

Seek self-motivated employees who demonstrate curiosity and adaptability. Assess for willingness to step outside comfort zones. Prior experience handling diverse responsibilities is a good indicator of flexibility.

Ask questions during interviews to gauge adaptability:

  • How do you feel about being assigned to projects outside your primary role?
  • Tell me about a time you adapted to a new work situation or learned a new skill.
  • What are some areas you'd like to expand your expertise in?
  • How would you go about getting up to speed on a new topic for a project?

Look for self-starters who don't need to be micromanaged. They should be comfortable operating autonomously and figuring things out as they go.

Hiring generalists who actively want to expand their skillsets enables startups to remain agile. These driven employees will rise to the challenge when asked to tackle new types of assignments.

Their passion for ongoing learning allows them to evolve as the company grows.

Creating Employee Development Plans

At a startup, it's critical that employees continuously develop new skills. For generalists, having structured development plans is especially important.

These plans help generalists systematically build expertise outside their core areas over time.

Development plans should be tailored for each employee based on the skills they need to expand. Work with employees to create plans that align with their interests and the startup's needs.

Include a mix of training methods like online courses, books, job shadowing, and stretch assignments. Set milestones and check-ins to track progress.

Tie development plans into performance management. Connect skill growth to career advancement and compensation.

With the right development plans, generalists can steadily gain new proficiencies without getting overwhelmed. This enables them to adapt as the startup evolves.

Promoting Knowledge Sharing

Create opportunities for employees to share skills and institutional knowledge. Brown bag lunches, workshops, mentoring all facilitate peer learning.

When employees have a chance to teach and mentor one another, it reinforces their own knowledge while spreading expertise throughout the organization.

Some ideas to promote sharing:

  • Host brown bag sessions where employees present on a skill, project, or area of the business. Make it casual (and buy everyone lunch, if you have the budget for it).
  • Organize workshops led by team members to teach a new skill like data analysis, programming basics, using CRMs, etc.
  • Start a formal mentoring program to pair junior and senior employees. Mentors can pass on institutional knowledge.
  • Schedule job shadowing so employees can learn other roles. This helps build empathy and skills.
  • Create online resources like wikis and shared drives where employees contribute expertise.
  • Hold "learnathons" periodically where employees teach short classes on topics they know.
  • Encourage informal knowledge sharing through messaging apps, email lists, and chat channels.
  • Celebrate and reward employees who step up to share their expertise and help others grow.
  • Ask staff to give "lunch & learns" on projects they completed recently.
  • Have team members blog/record videos on their jobs for internal comms.
  • Promote knowledge transfer when employees leave through exit interviews and documentation.

With an emphasis on peer learning, you enable generalist employees to keep expanding their skills. This supports continuous growth and prevents stagnation. Knowledge sharing also reduces silos and makes your startup more collaborative and effective.

Avoiding Burnout with Work-Life Balance

With varied responsibilities, generalists are prone to overwork and burnout. The key is focusing on work-life balance and adequate rest to avoid exhaustion.

Encourage employees to disconnect outside working hours and take regular vacations. Discourage responding to emails or Slack messages late at night or on weekends. Make it clear that their health comes first.

Watch for signs of burnout like irritability, lack of focus, or withdrawing from colleagues. Check in individually with employees showing these behaviors.

Have an open and caring discussion to understand any issues.

Consider offering benefits like gym memberships, healthy snacks, standing desks, and mental health days. Build a supportive and understanding culture around demanding workloads.

Bring in coaches to teach stress management, work-life integration, and resilience. Help equip employees with tools to thrive under pressure and avoid fatigue.

Make sure generalists take breaks throughout the day to recharge. Taking a walk, meditating, or chatting with a coworker can all be restorative.

Model sustainable working habits and energy management as a leader. Don't glorify exhaustion as a badge of honor.

Demonstrate how to work hard and smart while maintaining joy and health.

These are just a few of the learnings we've had here internally at Copy.ai, the first-ever GTM AI Platform. As we're rewriting outdated GTM playbooks and fighting against GTM Bloat, we champion our in-house generalists for their ability to pivot roles and responsibilities.

As a result, our small but mighty team of 40 people is able to support a user base of 15 million people, create personalized content for new leads, and scale our outreach like a team of 400.

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