AI Plays to Find and Close More Deals
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November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Lead Scoring with Jason Kelley: A Guide with

Note: This conversation was generated with a workflow by, but the input was the original transcript from the call above. While this recap is definitely worth a read, we highly encourage you to watch the full video above. Otherwise, enjoy! 

We had the opportunity to chat with Jason K, an Account Director at Jason brings TONS of sales experience to his role, with a proven track record of success in building and scaling high-performing sales teams.

At, Jason leverages the company's AI technology to gain valuable insights into customer needs and accelerate the sales process. Since joining recently, Jason has been blown away by the company's innovative approach to sales and how they are leveraging AI to operate as a truly modern company.

In our conversation, Jason walks us through how's AI-powered workflows are transforming the sales process - from lead scoring and opportunity management to deal reviews and strategy. With workflows automating many of the tedious, manual tasks that typically bog down sales teams, Jason and his colleagues are able to spend more time focused on their customers.

For sales leaders and reps looking to gain a competitive edge, Jason's insights into how to build a smart, lean, and AI-driven sales engine are invaluable.

Automated Lead Scoring and Deal Analysis analyzes sales call transcripts using natural language processing to extract key details like deal size, timeline, competitors, objections, and more. This extracted data seamlessly flows into your CRM tools like Slack and Salesforce with no manual data entry required.  

Rather than sales reps scrambling to take notes and log details during dozens of sales calls per day,'s AI handles the heavy lifting. The platform analyzes sentiments, topics, and keywords from sales conversations to automatically log notes and next steps.

This saves sales teams countless hours previously spent on manual data entry and administrative work. Instead, reps can focus their time on selling. also provides a deal health analysis for each prospect based on the sales call. This highlights positive factors about the deal as well as potential concerns and roadblocks.

The AI then recommends tactical next steps to advance the deal, such as following up on a specific feature the prospect mentioned interest in. This frames the discussion for pipeline reviews by surfacing the most important details about each deal's health and strategy recommendations customized for that account.

Rather than reps trying to recall details from memory, provides the insights you need to assess deal trajectory and determine effective next steps to win more business. This automated lead scoring and deal analysis ensures nothing slips through the cracks so you can make data-driven decisions.

Seamless CRM Integrations integrates directly with leading CRM platforms like Salesforce to provide seamless workflows. These automations log proper next steps and capture sales strategies, enriching your CRM with contextual data to guide deal progression.

Starting with something as simple as an email, you can chain together workflows to automatically extract key information like the prospect's name, company, LinkedIn profile, work history, and recommended use cases.

This data customizes the prospect experience by personalizing your outreach and conversations.  

One key benefit is how's AI delivers more accurate recommended use cases than salespeople working alone. When reps are tired or distracted, they may overlook strong leads or misjudge opportunities. But the AI reviews all prospects objectively, guiding you to focus where the greatest potential exists based on historical data and deal patterns. This prevents you from wasting time on deals unlikely to close.

By integrating workflows into your existing CRM, provides the insights you need without disrupting your systems or processes. The automation enhances productivity to help you close more deals faster.

Flexible Automations for Every Team

Chaining workflows together with Zapier takes just minutes to automate processes end-to-end by extracting the output from one workflow as input to the next. The flexibility empowers any team to create custom workflows to get the data they need, whether for sales, marketing, or product.

For example, with 40 people and 13 million users,'s automation enables them to run lean and smart by piping conversations into the company to analyze and act on fast. Starting with a sales call, they can extract key details into Slack, then use that to automatically log proper next steps in Salesforce to move deals forward.

This level of automation allows a small team to operate efficiently at scale.

The flexibility of the platform means non-technical users can build workflows tailored to their needs. The marketing team might create automations to pull prospect details into campaigns, while product teams can track feature requests. Whatever data teams need, they can create custom workflows to extract those insights.

Automating processes end-to-end, piping data seamlessly between systems, and empowering every team with flexible workflows allows companies like to boost efficiency and productivity.

Case Study: How Uses Their Own Product

With just 40 people, serves over 13 million users through the power of automation. The company analyzes conversations from their product and extracts key insights, piping that data back into the company through integrations with tools like Slack and Salesforce.

This enables the team to act quickly on emerging trends and opportunities.

The flexibility of their automation platform also empowers teams across the company to create custom workflows that get them the data they need. Whether it's for sales, marketing, product, or other use cases, builds workflows to tap into the power of AI and improve efficiency. Their own use of the product allows such a small team to manage so many users. Automation provides the leverage for the company to scale sustainably.

Start Automating Your Sales Today

Want to tap into the power of AI to boost your sales team's efficiency? With, you can automate repetitive tasks to spend more time selling. The AI will analyze conversations, extract key data, and pipe it into your CRM.

This frees up your team from manual data entry and gives you automated lead scoring and deal analysis. No more wasting time taking notes and logging activities. The AI does that grunt work for you, while highlighting insights to focus your deal reviews.

And it's easy to connect with your existing workflows.

Set it up once with popular CRMs like Salesforce or Hubspot and let automation handle the rest. Workflows can be chained together to pass data from one system to the next, allowing you to customize a unique automation recipe for your sales process end-to-end.

Don't let manual tasks slow your team down. Request a demo of today to learn how AI can boost your sales efficiency overnight.

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