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Introducing ContentOps: A New Engine for Content Creation at Scale

The world of content creation is undergoing a huge shift thanks to the power of generative AI.

Kyle Coleman, CMO of, is at the forefront of this transformation. This GTM AI Platform is revolutionizing how go-to-market teams approach content creation for critical initiatives like SEO, sales enablement, and thought leadership.

In the past, crafting high-quality, targeted content was an arduous, time-consuming process that required extensive manual research, writing, and editing.

A single blog post or whitepaper could take weeks or even months to move from ideation to publication. This created major bottlenecks for marketing departments looking to produce a high volume of assets tailored to different stages of the funnel and buyer personas.

But with's generative AI technology, that's all changing.

The Content Creation Bottleneck

Creating high-quality, impactful content that resonates with target audiences and drives business results is one of the biggest challenges facing marketing teams today.

The traditional content creation process is a clunky, time-consuming affair that can take weeks or even months per piece of content.

First, extensive research must be done to identify the right topics, keywords, and angles that will perform well for SEO and engage the target personas.

This often involves analyzing competitor content, digging through keyword data, and interviewing subject matter experts. Then the actual writing begins, which requires translating all that research into compelling prose, crafting catchy headlines and CTAs, and ensuring the brand voice and style guidelines are followed to a T.

But the work doesn't stop there.

Once a draft is written, it must go through rounds of editing, SEO optimization, stakeholder reviews, and final polishing before it can be published and promoted.

All in all, it can take a dedicated team of content strategists, writers, editors and SEO specialists several weeks and dozens of man-hours to produce a single long-form blog post or whitepaper.

This slow, serial process creates major bottlenecks, especially for small marketing teams that don't have the headcount for a full content production operation.

As a result, they struggle to create enough content to keep up with the demands of their audience and the competition. Important pieces get delayed or deprioritized, and the overall quality and quantity of content suffers.

Many teams end up stuck in a constant state of playing catch-up rather than getting ahead of the curve.

Clunky Manual Processes Before AI

Before AI, the content creation process was a clunky, inefficient endeavor that required extensive manual effort from multiple team members.

Dedicated content strategists, writers, and editors had to work together over long periods of time to produce a single piece of content.

Subject matter experts (SMEs) had to be extensively interviewed to capture their insights, which would then be ghostwritten into thought leadership articles or other content formats.

For content aimed at the middle and bottom of the funnel, such as use cases or product-focused blog posts, marketers had to manually comb through sales call transcripts and recordings to find relevant snippets and quotes that could be repurposed.

This process was time-consuming and often resulted in important insights being missed or taken out of context.

SEO research was also a separate, manual process that involved identifying target keywords, analyzing top-ranking content from competitors, and determining the optimal structure and format for a piece of content to perform well in search engines.

All of these disparate tasks had to be completed before the actual writing could even begin, leading to lengthy content creation cycles that could span weeks or even months.

Automated AI Content Workflows

Generative AI platforms like are changing content creation by enabling automated workflows for common go-to-market use cases.

One powerful example is an SEO workflow that can take a target keyword and company value proposition as inputs, then automatically generate a comprehensive brief and optimized blog post draft in the desired style and format.

This type of workflow encapsulates SEO best practices like analyzing top-ranking content for that keyword, identifying key subtopics and questions to address, and naturally incorporating semantically related keywords.

The output is a high-quality, on-brand blog post that would have previously taken days or weeks to create manually.

Sales enablement is another area where these AI content workflows shine.

A typical workflow ingests sales call transcripts and recordings, using natural language processing to identify key use cases, customer pain points, benefits, and personas discussed. It then automatically drafts middle-of-funnel content like case studies, solution briefs, and persona-based content.

For thought leadership content, a specialized workflow can analyze interview transcripts to extract the speaker's unique insights and voice.

It identifies compelling quotes, conducts research to support the speaker's points, and then generates multiple complete article drafts capturing the expert's perspective. This allows thought leaders to get their ideas out faster and more frequently without relying on manual ghostwriting.

In fact, the post you're reading was 90% written by AI, with a human-in-the-loop checking for accuracy and tone. .

While the AI-generated drafts may not be perfect, that 80-90% of the way theremakes a huge difference.

This drastically reduces the time and effort to get targeted content assets across the finish line from months to mere days. That means marketing teams can create a higher volume of quality content customized for each stage of the buyer's journey and each target persona.

Faster Content Creation, More Opportunities

As generative AI technology continues to advance and improve, it may be able to fully automate certain parts of the content creation process from end-to-end.

While human oversight will always be needed, AI could take on more of the day-to-day writing and production work. This would free up content teams to focus more of their energy on high-level strategy, campaign planning, and creative direction.

Marketers could spend more time on the innovative and imaginative aspects of their roles that machines can't replicate.

The net result is that both the quantity and quality of go-to-market content will increase as a result of AI assistance. Marketing teams will be able to produce more relevant, targeted, high-quality content in less time.

This will help them educate and engage audiences more effectively to drive business results. Generative AI enables marketers to become faster and more prolific storytellers.

Want to take your go-to-market approach to the next level? Check out the following resources:

These articles will have everything you need to strength your GTM strategy and see faster growth in your company.

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