June 30, 2023
October 11, 2023

Automate Your Social Media Process With AI-Powered Workflows

The articles published under this author are created using Workflows by Copy.ai. To ensure accuracy, authority, and relevance, a specialized team of Copy.ai writers oversees the automated process that generates the content from start to finish. Through editing and fact-checking, they ensure that every article meets the highest standards and provides the best value to our readers.

Maintaining an active presence on social media is crucial for B2B enterprises to speak with current and potential customers, showcase your expertise, and encourage people to talk about your business in public.

But let's face it, managing social media interactions and responding in a timely and engaging manner can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

And, when it comes to SMBs, social media is typically an afterthought. With limited resources, you don’t have the time to sift through brand mentions, craft meaningful responses, and actually respond—on top of the million and one things on your marketing teams’ plate.

That's why we've crafted a powerful workflow using three tools: 

This dynamic trio will revolutionize the way you engage on social media—particularly on LinkedIn—and supercharge your B2B business. 

Before diving into this Workflow, let’s get crystal clear on why social media is critical to a successful marketing strategy. 

Why social media engagement matters

Building brand authority

Engaging on social media allows B2B businesses to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Here are a few ways social media can help you build brand authority: 

  • Demonstrate your expertise: By consistently sharing valuable content related to their industry, B2B businesses can demonstrate their expertise and industry knowledge across a wide range of conversations. This can be in the form of sharing informative articles, data-driven reports, thought-provoking whitepapers, or engaging video content.
  • Thought leadership content: Social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, offer businesses a platform to showcase their thought leadership content. Publishing articles, sharing industry trends, and providing expert opinions can establish businesses as leaders in their niche.
  • Engaging in industry conversations: Social media platforms provide opportunities for businesses to engage in conversations with key industry players, stakeholders, and influencers. This engagement helps in building relationships with the right people, and presents opportunities for collaborations and partnerships, further solidifying your brand's authority.
  • Showcasing success stories: Using social media, your business has access to platforms that empower you to share success stories and case studies that demonstrates the impact you’ve had on clients—and the impact you could have on similar audiences.
  • Building a strong personal brand: It’s simple: People connect with people. It’s easier for people to stand behind a brand when they have a personal connection to it. Social media provides a great platform for building personal brands across your organization,  which in turn builds your brand’s authority too!

Expanding network and reach

For most B2B businesses, LinkedIn is a great network for connecting with prospects. It gives brands the ability to connect with people when they’re in the mindset of:

  • Exploring ways to do their jobs better, like improving processes, uncovering new strategies—That means they’re more receptive to learning about best practices and, in some cases, are solution-aware.
  • Searching for people and businesses to connect with, specifically those who face the same challenges, are trying to achieve similar outcomes, and are actively sharing relevant content to their needs.

Showcasing products and services

Social media platforms offer a visually appealing and interactive space to showcase B2B products and services. Through engaging content formats like videos, infographics, and case studies, businesses can effectively demonstrate the value and benefits of their offerings.

But remember: Engage with people on this platform. If you’re focused too much on just broadcasting your work, you’re not going to be successful on this channel.

Staying informed and adapting to industry trends

Active social media engagement, particularly on LinkedIn, provides B2B businesses with valuable insights into industry trends, market developments, and customer preferences. By following relevant industry influencers, participating in discussions, and joining industry-specific groups, businesses can stay informed and align their strategies with changing market dynamics. 

The power of linkedIn for B2B enterprises

LinkedIn, often referred to as the "professional's social network," offers unique advantages for B2B businesses, including:

  1. Targeted audience: LinkedIn boasts a user base primarily composed of professionals, decision-makers, and industry experts. This platform allows B2B businesses to reach their ideal audience directly, ensuring that their engagement efforts are directed towards those who matter most. 
  2. Business networking opportunities: LinkedIn's robust networking capabilities enable B2B enterprises to connect with professionals from various industries, fostering strategic partnerships, collaborations, and client relationships. 
  3. Thought leadership platform: LinkedIn's publishing platform and post-sharing features provide B2B businesses with a platform to establish thought leadership and share industry insights. By consistently publishing valuable content, B2B enterprises can gain visibility, attract followers, and position themselves as trusted experts in their respective fields. 
  4. Lead generation and conversion: LinkedIn's advanced search filters and targeted advertising options empower B2B businesses to identify and connect with high-quality leads. Engaging through meaningful conversations, sharing relevant content, and participating in industry-specific groups can significantly increase the chances of lead conversion and business growth. 

With those benefits in mind, let’s look at the Workflow we built to automate a lot of our social media engagement. 

A workflow to automate your social media engagement

The goal of this workflow is simple: to automate your social media engagement and save valuable time and effort. With Phantom Buster, Copy.ai Workflows, and Zapier, you can streamline the process of managing and responding to comments, mentions, and interactions on social media platforms.

The tools you need to set up this workflow

Let's meet our trio of tools that make this automation possible:

  1. Phantom Buster: This tool takes care of scraping LinkedIn for comments and mentions related to your business or brand. It collects the necessary data you need to engage effectively with your audience.

  2. Zapier: As the automation orchestrator, Zapier connects Phantom Buster with Copy.ai Workflows seamlessly. It ensures smooth data transfer and collaboration between the two tools.

  3. Copy.ai Workflows: Powered by the collaboration between Copy.ai and Zapier, Copy.ai Workflows plays a crucial role in generating automated responses. It enables the creation of personalized and engaging content by leveraging Copy.ai's language model and input from human contributors.

Get access to Copy.ai workflows:

To get access to Copy.ai’s Workflows platform, you’ll need to follow this quick step-by-step setup process: 

  1. Sign up for a Copy.ai account
  2. Upgrade to a Pro account. Workflows is only available to Pro users. 
  3. In your Workspace settings, go to “Copy.ai Labs” and toggle on AI Workflows
  4. Start building workflows using the left hand navigation!

A step-by-step process for setting up your automated social media workflow

Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up this automated social media engagement workflow:

1. Connect Phantom Buster with Zapier: Set up a Zap that allows Phantom Buster to send new comments and mentions to Zapier for processing.

2. Integrate Zapier with Copy.ai Workflows: Use Copy.ai’s Workflow API as an endpoint to receive data from Phantom Buster 

3. Structure and format the data: Within Zapier, use the Text in Formatter feature to organize the data received from Phantom Buster. Extract relevant variables such as the person's name, title, post URL, and post content.

4. Generate responses: Leverage the power of Copy.ai's language model and human input to generate engaging responses. Use the Text in formatter feature again to combine the automated content with any additional input from human contributors.

5. Populate the Copy.ai dashboard: Once the responses are generated, Copy.ai Workflows populates a table with essential information, including the poster's or commenter's name, the post URL, the original post content, the response from Copy.ai, and the response from human contributors. This provides a centralized and organized view of all interactions.

Who benefits from this Workflow?

This automated social media engagement workflow is beneficial for businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals who want to enhance their social media presence while saving time and effort. 

Social media teams, marketers, and community managers can particularly benefit from this streamlined approach, enabling them to engage with their audience more efficiently.

How to scale this workflow

The beauty of this automated workflow is that it can be scaled to suit your specific needs and extend beyond LinkedIn. Here are a few ideas to consider:

Expand to other social media platforms

With the right tools and configurations, you can replicate this workflow on other social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, allowing you to cover a broader range of interactions.

Leverage keywords and topics 

Modify the workflow to trigger responses based on specific keywords, hashtags, or topics mentioned on LinkedIn. This can help you engage more proactively and create content that resonates with your audience's interests.

Content creation based on user conversations

Take it a step further by incorporating additional steps into the workflow. For example, you could automatically generate ideas for blog posts, social media posts, or other content based on the topics and discussions users are talking about. This opens up possibilities for creating timely and relevant content that captures your audience's attention.

Segmented response automation

Create segmented workflows based on specific criteria such as audience demographics, customer segments, or geographic locations. This allows for more personalized and targeted responses, enhancing the overall customer experience and increasing engagement.

Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

Integrate the workflow with your CRM system to automatically capture and track customer interactions. By syncing the engagement data, you can have a holistic view of customer interactions across social media and other touchpoints, enabling better customer relationship management.

Language localization

If your business operates in multiple regions or serves a diverse audience, consider incorporating language localization into the workflow. Utilize language detection algorithms to identify the language of the comments or mentions, and automatically generate responses in the appropriate language. This helps in fostering better communication and engagement with international or multilingual audiences.

Sentiment analysis and priority handling

Enhance the workflow by incorporating sentiment analysis into the process. Use natural language processing algorithms to analyze the sentiment expressed in comments or mentions. Based on the sentiment, you can prioritize and handle responses accordingly. This ensures that urgent or sensitive interactions receive immediate attention, improving customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Final thoughts

The benefits of active participation on platforms like LinkedIn are undeniable. But remember, social media engagement is not just about broadcasting your brand; it's about fostering connections, providing value, and establishing yourself as a trusted industry expert. 

It's a space where you can engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and build relationships that can lead to long-term partnerships and business growth.

Through the powerful workflow we've built with Phantom Buster, Zapier, and Copy.ai, you can streamline your social media engagement efforts and make the most out of platforms like LinkedIn. 

So, don't hesitate to embrace the power of social media engagement for your B2B business. Start engaging, sharing, and connecting with your audience on platforms like LinkedIn today!

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