September 11, 2023
October 11, 2023

AI Generated Content: Pros, Cons, and the Tools to Try

What is AI-Generated Content?

AI-generated content refers to text, visuals, or audio created by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, rather than human intelligence. These algorithms sift through large datasets to understand patterns in language and style, which enables them to generate content that can often convincingly imitate human-like expressions. 

Current tools range from simple auto-complete features to more sophisticated systems that can write entire articles.

What kinds of content can you make with AI? 

Articles and blog posts

One of the most talked-about applications of AI in content creation is the ability to generate articles and blog posts. With AI's rapid text generation capabilities, you can produce informative, data-driven pieces that are not only grammatically correct but also aligned with your brand's tone and style. 

This isn't about churning out low-quality, keyword-stuffed articles; it's about using AI to supplement human creativity and expertise, providing valuable content that resonates with your audience.

An AI content generator like will even add relevant sources (with clickable links) in your output to ensure your content is well-researched and topical. 

Social media content

AI can manage and produce social media content with astonishing efficiency. 

From crafting compelling tweets to generating Instagram captions or LinkedIn updates, AI ensures that your social media channels are consistently active and engaging. Plus, it can tailor the tone and style of each post to suit the platform's specific audience, giving your brand a cohesive yet flexible online presence.

Click here for a few social media AI prompts you can try right now! 

Email marketing campaigns

Your email marketing efforts can benefit significantly from AI-generated content. Whether it's creating catchy subject lines that encourage clicks or generating personalized body text that speaks directly to the recipient, AI can take over the labor-intensive aspects of email content creation. 

This leaves you with more time to focus on strategy and measuring campaign effectiveness.

E-commerce product descriptions

When it comes to e-commerce, compelling product descriptions are a crucial element in driving conversions. AI can automatically generate descriptive, persuasive text that highlights the unique features and benefits of your products, maintaining consistency across your entire product range.

Plus, supports over 95 languages, which means you can automatically create product descriptions for your global audience. 


AI doesn't just produce content in one language; it's a polyglot. With support for over 95 languages, tools like can automatically create content tailored to global audiences. 

Imagine generating product descriptions, blog posts, or social media updates in multiple languages, all while maintaining the essence and flair of the original text. It's not merely about translating words; it's about translating your brand's voice to resonate globally.

What does Google think about AI-generated content?

Google's primary concern has always been the quality of content that surfaces on its search engine.

The tech giant aims to prioritize content that is well-researched, authoritative, and genuinely valuable to the reader. Therefore, while AI-generated content has the distinct advantage of rapid, scalable production, it should not compromise on quality if it aims to pass Google's ranking criteria.

It's important to note that Google is less concerned with how content is generated—be it by human writers or AI algorithms—and more focused on the final output. In other words, regardless of the source, content has to be accurate, relevant, and insightful to rank well.

So, no, you won’t be penalized by Google for using AI for content creation if the final product is high-quality (meaning relevant, insightful, and helpful). 

What AI-generated content means for SEOs

The most immediate benefit that AI-generated content offers SEOs is the ability to scale content production at unprecedented rates. Generating hundreds of articles, blog posts, or product descriptions that are SEO-optimized becomes less resource-intensive, allowing small and large businesses alike to compete for online visibility. 

With AI, you can quickly adapt to search engine algorithm changes or trending topics, keeping your content fresh, relevant, and more likely to rank higher in search results.

Here are a few other changes SEOs need to take into account. 

Enhanced personalization

AI's ability to analyze data points from user behavior and preferences opens up the possibility of hyper-personalized content. This is a crucial factor in improving user engagement metrics like dwell time and click-through rates, both of which positively impact SEO. 

Imagine delivering personalized guides, tutorials, or product recommendations that are tailored to individual user's past behavior or needs. This level of personalization can be a significant differentiator in the highly competitive world of SEO.

Needs human depth 

While AI is a powerhouse for generating content quickly, it often lacks the depth and nuance that a human writer brings to the table. Search engines are increasingly rewarding well-researched, comprehensive content that effectively addresses user intent. 

AI-generated content can sometimes fall short in this regard, offering more generic information that might not provide substantial value to the user, potentially affecting your rankings negatively.

Be sure to manually review your content by a human expert to add valuable insights that can’t be found in other AI-written articles. 

What’s the best path forward for SEOs with AI-generated content? 

Navigating the SEO landscape with AI-generated content tools offers an exciting blend of possibilities and challenges. The magic happens when you strike a balance, combining human creativity with AI efficiency.

Automatically generated content from AI tools can serve as a strong foundation for your SEO strategy. These AI generators can quickly produce initial drafts or take over the data-driven sections of your content, such as statistics or analytics, freeing up your time for higher-level tasks.

But here's where human expertise steps in: refining, contextualizing, and enriching the AI-created content to meet Google's quality benchmarks.

Moreover, existing content can be optimized using AI tools. 

For instance, AI can scan through your already published articles to suggest improvements or even to generate more helpful content that can supplement the original piece. By doing so, you ensure that your content doesn't just meet the bare minimum—it excels.

So what's the best approach? It's not an either-or situation

AI-generated content tools have their undeniable advantages in speed, cost-effectiveness, and consistency. Yet human oversight guarantees the contextual and emotional nuance that only human experience can provide. 

Together, they create a robust strategy that serves the reader with helpful content that is both informative and engaging.

Why use AI-generated content? The benefits 

Speed and volume

Human writers, no matter how skilled, have their limits in speed and volume. They need time to research, organize thoughts, draft, and revise—an inherently slow and meticulous process. 

AI-generated content, on the other hand, can churn out an article in a fraction of the time, providing a timely response to emerging trends, news, or consumer demands. 

It's like having an army of writers at your disposal, 24/7, without the fatigue or creative burnout.


Brand coherence is invaluable in establishing credibility and building a loyal audience. 

Achieving a consistent tone and style across diverse content types can be a strenuous task for human writers, who may have their own unique styles and voices. Enter AI's ability to maintain unwavering consistency. 

Once trained, AI algorithms can produce content that stays true to your brand’s voice, whether it's a tweet, a blog post, or an email newsletter, ensuring a harmonious brand image that resonates with your audience.


The scope of AI-generated content is as broad as the datasets it can analyze. Its capabilities stretch from generating real-time financial reports to crafting film reviews or even conjuring up cooking recipes. 

This versatility is an asset for businesses that operate across various verticals or require a wide array of content types. 

AI's adaptability allows content creators to diversify their offerings without the need to specialize in multiple domains, making it a Swiss Army knife in your content strategy toolkit.


The financial dynamics of content creation are changing, and AI is at the helm. The cost of hiring a full-time writing team is not negligible, especially for small businesses or startups. 

AI-generated content provides an economically viable alternative. It scales as your business grows, requiring no additional health benefits, office space, or HR resources. 

This cost-effectiveness enables companies to expand their content marketing efforts exponentially without proportionally increasing expenses, making high-quality content accessible to businesses of all sizes.

The drawbacks of generating content with AI

Lack of depth and nuance

While AI-generated content is remarkably adept at crafting grammatically correct and coherent text, it often lacks the emotional depth and nuanced understanding that characterize human writing. 

The reason? AI algorithms are rooted in patterns and data, which, although comprehensive, can't capture the emotional richness or subtleties that human experience brings to content. 

However, this limitation offers a unique collaborative opportunity. Human writers can add the emotional layer, crafting stories that resonate deeply, while AI can handle the data-driven aspects. 

The result is a symbiotic relationship that produces content of unparalleled depth and breadth.

Contextual understanding

Context matters. Whether it's a historical footnote, a cultural nuance, or a tongue-in-cheek idiom, understanding the setting is crucial for meaningful content creation. AI can occasionally miss these subtleties, leading to outputs that are technically accurate but contextually flawed. 

But the technology is advancing, and with more nuanced training data and improved natural language processing algorithms, we're edging closer to AI systems that can understand context as adeptly as they can construct a sentence. 

For content creators, this means a future with AI tools that can reliably support them in generating high-quality, context-rich material.


AI, no matter how advanced, can't replace the creative spark that is inherently human. While AI can mimic styles and tones based on existing data, it doesn't possess the capability for original thought.

However, this doesn't mean AI can't be a part of the creative process. 

Quite the contrary. When used in conjunction with human creativity, AI's data-driven approach can inspire new angles and innovative ideas, making the content richer and more diverse.

How to incorporate AI into your content marketing

Step 1: Define your goals

Before you dive into the ocean of AI tools, have a clear understanding of what you're looking to achieve. Are you aiming to produce content faster? Looking for deeper analytics? Seeking to personalize content for different audience segments? 

By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, you set the stage for a more targeted use of AI.

Step 2: Choose the right tools

The AI marketplace is full with tools that cater to a range of needs, from automated writing assistants to advanced analytics platforms. 

Here's how to choose wisely:

  1. Automated writing assistants: Tools like can help in quicker drafting and proofreading.
  2. Content planning: AI tools like Clearscope or MarketMuse can help you identify keywords and content structures based on your topic, thereby simplifying the content planning process.
  3. Personalization engines: These tools offer real-time analytics and can auto-segment your audience, allowing you to tailor your content more effectively.

Research reviews, ask for recommendations, and make use of free trials to find what suits your needs best.

Step 3: Start small and scale

Initially, integrate AI tools into less critical aspects of your work, such as social media posts or blog outlines. Assess the outcomes, understand the nuances, and then consider scaling to more complex tasks like full-fledged articles or customer engagement strategies.

Step 4: Human oversight is crucial

Even the best AI tools can make mistakes or generate content that lacks nuance. Always have a review process in place where you or another human can vet and refine the AI-generated content.

This ensures that the final product aligns with your brand voice and meets quality standards.

Step 5: Track, Analyze, Iterate

Consistently monitor how AI-aided content is performing compared to your traditional methods.

Use analytics to track metrics that matter—engagement, conversion rates, time spent on page, etc.—and be prepared to iterate your approach based on these insights.

Step 6: Stay Updated

The field of AI is ever-evolving. To make the most of it, keep yourself updated on the latest tools, best practices, and industry trends. Subscribe to newsletters, join AI and content marketing forums, and continually test new tools that can add value to your workflow.

Best AI content generators 

1. is a cutting-edge generative productivity platform that revolutionizes the content production process. Designed to assist businesses of all sizes, leverages advanced language models to generate high-quality and engaging written content in a fraction of the time it currently takes you. 

One standout feature of is its Workflows, which is like a multitasking Chatbot. It allows you to create multiple content types simultaneously (in 95+ languages). 

But for those looking for a simple Chatbot for content creation, look no further. This platform comes with tools and templates to help you create any type of content you need in no time. 

Plus, you can use our Improve feature to make any prompt better in a single click. Then, with Brand Voice, you can generate the output in your org’s unique style regardless of who is making that content. 

That means your brand’s voice can be standardized across the entire business, ensuring your messaging is always on point. And since is model agnostic (meaning it doesn’t only rely on OpenAI’s GPT-4), you can avoid pesky downtimes that hold you back. 

Finally, with support in 95+ languages, helps your campaigns reach a global audience in their native language. If you’ve been feeling like your content creation process has been lagging, is the platform you need to pour more gas on the fire. 🔥

Key features offered by include:

  • Brand Voice: Create an unlimited number of Brand Voices to keep messaging consistent across your entire team. 
  • Improve:'s Improve feature provides suggestions and enhancements to existing prompts to get better output in less time. 
  • Infobase: Save and store relevant context to use throughout your prompts and workflows. 
  • 95+ language: supports a wide range of languages, ensuring that users from various regions and linguistic backgrounds can benefit from its AI-powered copywriting abilities.

Pricing: gives you unlimited access starting at only $36/month. 

Get started with today!

2. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an advanced language model powered by OpenAI's cutting-edge technology. It enables users to have interactive and dynamic conversations with an AI chatbot. 

The software's natural language processing capabilities allow for a more human-like conversation experience. ChatGPT is useful for a range of applications, including customer support, virtual assistants, and educational tools.

This is the platform that kicked off the AI craze earlier this year, but many other tools have surpassed its native capabilities.

Key features of ChatGPT include:

  • Natural language understanding and generation
  • Multi-turn conversation support
  • Contextual responses based on training data
  • Variety of use cases and applications
  • Plugins for extended use cases 

However, it's important to note the limitations of ChatGPT. 

Some of the drawbacks include:

  • Overuse of certain phrases or repetitions in responses
  • Inconsistent responses in some scenarios
  • Lack of the ability to ask clarifying questions or seek additional information from the user
  • Downtimes and usage limits

Price: For access to GPT-4, you’ll need to pay $20/month. This gives you limited use and you’ll need 3rd-party plugins to use ChatGPT for anything more advanced. 

Read our comparison of vs ChatGPT today

3. Jasper 

Jasper is an AI content generator used to make high-quality, on-brand content for businesses. 

The software has a range of features and capabilities that streamline content creation, making it easier for businesses to focus on other core areas of the business. Jasper also offers a wide range of products and integrations, catering to a wide range of business needs, including language translation, image generation, and campaign creation. 

While Jasper does have some great features, pricing can make it less accessible, and there are certainly more affordable options (that also provide the same quality).

Price: Jasper costs $99/month for 3 user seats (compared to 5 user seats with at $36/month). And while it does integrate with other software like SurferSEO, you still need to pay full price for those 3rd-party subscriptions. 

Check out this comparison of vs Jasper here

4. Writesonic

WriteSonic is a versatile AI-powered writing tool designed to help users create engaging and high-quality content. Whether its blog posts, social media captions, or product descriptions, Writesonic provides users with a wide range of writing templates to help get you started. 

With templates for various types of content, Writesonic saves users time and effort in coming up with ideas and structuring their writing.

Plus, the software offers a text editor with real-time suggestions and improvements to refine and polish the generated content.

Key features of Writesonic include:

  • Writing templates for various types of content
  • Real-time text editor with suggestions and improvements
  • Ability to generate content ideas and outlines
  • Option to integrate with other writing tools and platforms

Pricing: Writesonic’s pricing is more complex than many other tools on this list. 

To unlock GPT-4, you’ll need a Business Plan starting at $12.67/month for 33,000 words (or $32.67/month for 100,000 words plus 4 more user seats).

Pricing is further complicated based on the quality of output you want (Premium or Superior).  

Check out this review of vs Writesonic

5. Writer

Writer is an AI-based writing assistant tool. It helps users write various types of content like emails, documents, articles, etc. 

Writer provides grammar and spelling checks, plagiarism detection, and tone suggestions to improve the quality of users' writing. The tool also offers content generation capabilities based on keywords and the user's desired writing style.

Writer has a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use, but is mostly for larger enterprise use.

Key features:

  • AI writing assistant that helps with various writing tasks like email, grammar checking, plagiarism detection, etc. 
  • Powered by large language model and massive dataset to understand language and provide helpful suggestions
  • Integrates with Chrome, Outlook and Word
  • Provides style guides and snippets to reduce writing time and improve quality
  • Enforces consistent writing style and reviews content
  • Provides a content library through snippets

Pricing: Writer starts at $18/month for up to 5 user seats (each seat costs $18). 

Here’s a comparison of vs Writer to help you find the right platform for your business. 

6. Rytr is an AI-powered writing assistant that simplifies and accelerates the copywriting process. With Rytr, users can generate short-form written content in just a few seconds, saving time and effort. 

That said, this is not the tool you’re looking for if you need long-form content like blog posts, whitepapers, ebooks, etc. 

Rytr offers an extensive set of key features that enhance the writing experience and deliver impressive results:

  • AI-generated content: The platform draws on OpenAI’s large language models (LLMs) to generate content fast. 
  • Multiple use cases: With over 40 use cases and templates to choose from, Rytr caters to a wide range of writing requirements, making it a versatile tool for content creators.
  • Multilingual support: Users can write in 30 different languages, allowing them to reach and engage with a global audience or serve clients with diverse language preferences.
  • Tonal variety: With 20 different tones of voice to choose from, users can customize their writing style and ensure that their content resonates with the desired audience.

While offers a range of impressive features, there are a few drawbacks to consider:

  • Limited customization: The generated content might lack the personal touch and voice of individual writers, as it is primarily based on AI algorithms.
  • Pricing tiers: Some users may find the pricing plans, especially for unlimited usage, to be relatively higher compared to other AI writing tools.

Pricing: For unlimited characters (the plan that would be comparable to, you’re looking at $29/month. There’s a more limited version at $9/month that may be good for solopreneurs or startups, but won’t provide enough characters for more in-depth use cases.

Check out this review of vs Rytr to see which is right for you! 

7. Copysmith

Copysmith is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps businesses generate marketing copy and content. It uses natural language processing technology to analyze text and suggest rewrites, blog posts, social media captions, and more. 

Copysmith has over 35 templates for different types of copy like product descriptions, landing pages, and email marketing. Users can input a rough draft or a few keywords and Copysmith will provide rewritten versions or new content suggestions. 

The tool is designed to save time and provide a starting point for human writers and marketers. It’s easy to use but still needs human review and editing.

It should be noted that they seem to be transitioning their focus to ecommerce with the release of While you can still log into your legacy Copysmith account, they appear to be moving away from that product. 

Key Features:

  • Over 35 readymade templates to get started quickly
  • Content rewriter, product description, AIDA framework, USP, Facebook ads templates, and more
  • Easy content exporting
  • Chrome extension allows you to grab information and write on the fly
  • Large selection of templates for different purposes (blogs, ads, branding, etc.)
  • Customer support and updates based on user feedback
  • Available for individuals and teams

Pricing: $49/month for 5 user seats. 

Which AI content generator is best? 

When it comes to AI content generators, the market is rapidly growing with numerous options available.

However, for enterprises and teams looking for the most robust, cost-effective, and feature-rich solution, clearly stands out as the best choice. 

Here's why:

Pricing and features

Many AI content generators offer a bunch of features, but they usually come with a hefty price tag., on the other hand, provides a range of advanced functionalities at a price that is extremely competitive. 

This makes it an ideal choice for organizations that are budget-conscious but don't want to compromise on quality.

Workflow capabilities: The differentiator's workflow features allow teams to streamline their content creation process in a way that most competitors don't offer. The ability to set up workflows helps teams collaborate more effectively and also automates many tasks that would otherwise consume valuable time. 

Plus, with an endpoint API, it integrates seamlessly with other tools, making it a central part of any content ecosystem.

Learn more about Workflows here

Brand Voice: Consistency is key

In any organization, maintaining a consistent brand voice across all pieces of content is crucial.’s Brand Voice feature means that the content generated aligns well with the specific tone, style, and key messaging points of your brand. 

This ensures that no matter who in your team is using the tool, the output remains consistent.

Infobase: Your knowledge repository

Another feature that sets apart is its Infobase functionality. This acts as a centralized repository for storing all pertinent company information that can be accessed and integrated into the generated content.

This eliminates the need for team members to search through multiple files and databases, making the content creation process more efficient and accurate.

The "Improve" feature: Continuous refinement also offers an "Improve" feature that allows users to fine-tune their prompts. Whether it's a marketing copy, blog post, or social media update, this feature makes it easy to make quick adjustments so that the content better fits your specific needs and criteria.

In other words, you don’t need to be an official prompt engineer to create prompts that generate the content you need the first time around. 

At the end of the day, is undoubtedly the best choice for enterprises and teams looking for a scalable, affordable, and feature-rich AI content generator. 

Get started with today!

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