Upload and store information about your brand, so your content is always accurate
Trusted by 10M+ users and companies like:

How Infobase works
Save information to Infobase
Whether it's detailed company data or product specifics, just upload the information into Infobase.
This acts as a secure and easily accessible repository for your team, ensuring that the key information is always on-hand. With Infobase, your information management becomes smarter, faster, and more efficient.
Use your saved context in Copy.ai
When writing a prompt, use the '#' symbol to pull information from Infobase. This pulls and adds relevant context to your prompt from your repository.
In the end, you get prompts with more context and clarity without forcing you to type the same information over and over again.
Sit back and watch the magic
All that's left is to sit back and watch the magic happen. Watch as Infobase leverages your stored information to generate enhanced content with greater consistency.
The result? Improved output quality across your entire team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common creative vision.
New era with Copy
Frequently asked questions
Infobase allows you to store information such as your brand guidelines, value propositions, and positioning documents. In essence, it's a place to store all kinds of contextual documents and data.
Infobase enhances content generation by pulling information from your Infobase rather than depending on only public data. This allows Copy.ai to have context-specific data, making the generated content more relevant and accurate.
You can add unlimited Infobase items with a Pro account.
With Infobase, when creating content in Copy.ai, you can tag the information stored in your Infobase. This feature eliminates the need to write out all of the context Copy.ai needs every time.
Absolutely. With our SOC 2 Type II certification, Copy.ai ensures the safety of all user inputs and guarantees confidentiality for all brand-specific information.