April 6, 2022
October 11, 2023

Announcing CopyAI’s New Features: First Draft Wizard & Freestyle Templates

Our Vision

We believe in giving people superpowers, not automating them away.

We want people to be able to write what they couldn't before.

We want writing to be fun, and we want you to write faster than ever.

And finally, we want to make it so that anyone can use it.

We've been working hard on making CopyAI even more powerful. Here are some of the latest things we've added:

  • Our First Draft Wizard helps you get the first draft of your blog in under 5 minutes
  • Use case focused templates for social media, email campaigns, and much more

And quality is better than ever!

You can try all of them for free! From 8 am ET on Wednesday, April 6th, until 8 am ET on Friday, April 8th, you’ll be able to use Copy.ai for 48 hours without hitting any credit limits.

No Limits

You can use Copy.ai as much as you like (within fair usage limits) without hitting any credit limits during the event. Use it to write dozens of blog posts, create a month's worth of social media posts, write scripts for your video sales letters, and more!

We’re so excited to show off what we’ve been working on!

CopyAI's First Draft Wizard

We are proud to introduce the First Draft Wizard, the latest feature from CopyAI that gives you the power of a personal AI assistant for writing. All you have to do is share what you want to write about, and we'll build an outline together. 

Then we will use that outline to create your first draft. It's that easy! We've turned machine learning into an intuitive tool that will help you write a first draft that's higher quality, in less time, than if you did it alone. 

It's a great fit for anyone new to writing or hasn't tried writing before, experienced writers looking for ways to improve their process, and even for experts managing other writers.

Freestyle Templates

The new templates feature allows you to generate copy for specific use cases in seconds.

Once you've chosen a template, you'll be prompted to replace the text inside the square brackets that are unique to that template.

Don't worry; CopyAI will automatically ask you for the information it needs for each template.

After entering the required text, click the “Create Copy” button, and CopyAI will get to work generating multiple options for your copy.

Here are some of our most popular templates:

  • Discount or Special Promotion
  • Seasonal or Holiday Social Media Post
  • Cold Outreach Emails
  • and many more!

Our Philosophy

When we set out on this adventure, we had one goal in mind: to empower people.

We believe in giving the user control throughout the entire process, and we don't just send you a single spin-off or sentence for your approval—we give you several options for you to choose from, which keeps you in charge.

AI is not coming to replace writers, but instead, it will empower them to be more productive and enable them to produce higher-quality work.

Whether you're looking for blog posts, website copy, email newsletters or product descriptions—we've got you covered!

Reviews from CopyAI’s Beta Users

Here's what some of our beta users have said:

"I am a maniac when it comes to AI writing tools, and I've tested every single tool out there. I must say, you guys really did a great job improving the product as the output are amazing. Copy AI beats its competitors in many use cases and the Freestyle templates are insanely good!"

"I've started using the First Draft Wizard a lot more and it's a SERIOUS time saver."

"I created a blog post in less than 20 minutes using the new feature! What a special feature. I avoided blog posts for years because I couldn't find myself to sit and write. Being able to use the bullet points and outline was a time saver! Then I saw it as a first draft, tweaked a few sentences and BOOM. Quickly after posting I created a Pinterest pin and now I'm ready to write more blog posts! EXCELLENT feature!"

"I tested it against a tough deadline I had. I was pressed for time and decided to crank out a full blog article and finished it in 10 minutes."

"Been using the new First Draft Wizard tool for a day now & I must say I am well impressed. I did a 1K word article in 10 minutes, after editing it, and adding pictures, it was live on my site in less than 2 hours. Great job & a proper game changer."

Ready to level-up?

Write 10x faster, engage your audience, & never struggle with the blank page again.

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